My Ultimate Dream Vacation

Angeleyes has tagged me with the vacation tag, where I need to describe my dream vacation.  Actually ummmm….., I’ve already BEEN on my dream vacation…I’m blessed that way, aren’t I? 🙂  Hubbs and I honeymooned in the Maldives and yeah, that’s my dream vacation.  Of course, I would like to bring Ethan there someday too, so it’s kinda a dream vacation as well.

Maldives was so pretty and picturesque…memories of our honeymoon there is poignant too, because we were there about 6 weeks before the tsunami hit.  I contacted the hotel we stayed in after the disaster and they confirmed that fortunately there was only minimal damage to the resort, and that business was back to normal now.


**Start Copy**

Proposition : Where do you want to go Next, OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY, for tourism, work , study, whatever.

Requirements: Find some info about the place, itinerary etc, pics if possible so you get MORE Traffic coming in, and maybe some people can find somewhere to go to. Excludes your NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, ie Singapore,Malaysia,Brunei, a country that borders yours.You must register for MyBloglog so we can blogwalk ah…..get it?

Quantity : FIVE PEOPLE.

Tag Mode : Chain Link. 15 of them.
You leave 15 people and their DEEP LINK of their Blog Name and TAGGED POST and hit out for five more. So it will look like

Azrin going Down Under

MaRLinda in Disneyland Paris

Athira Baby and her Balamory Antics

Msau to Japan

Shoppingmum to Europe

Angeleyes off to Bora-Bora

**Add in the blog you got the tag from and tagged post.** (In this case, for example, you should add “Giddy Tiger snorkelling in The Maldives“) 

Extra Rules: you cannot Tag another person who has performed the Tagging Rights to Travel. Check yr commentators.
You MUST PASS this tag within 7 days of receiving it , or lose a day’s worth of Blog Revenue or $10 to charity. Can?Makes it interesting anyway.So no Lazy Tags running about, and yeah, eventually, there will be less than a 1:3 chance you can’t tag that someone. And pay those people in the list a visit, you never know if you can pinch / recycle some ideas for your next entry!

**End Copy**


My taggees (there’s a new word!) for this tag are:

5XMom – I promised you a tag, so here’s a fun one 🙂
SiwwyPig – Knock yourself out!
Bernard Chan – after your surgeries, take some time to think about your next vacation!
Hijack Queen – I know you just got back from the U S of A but no harm dreaming about the next trip!
Michelle – Something to destress from work. Enjoy!

This entry was posted in Memes & Tags, Relax & Celebrate. Bookmark the permalink.

25 Responses to My Ultimate Dream Vacation

  1. Pingback: My Ultimate Dream Vacation at Malaysia Today and Beyond

  2. Pingback: 5Xmom - Humor, Life, Lies, Sex » Which country to go to - KNN meme again!

  3. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Tag: Where I Want To Go

  4. Bernard says:

    Aiks.. ok.. coming right up!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Can’t wait to read where a doctor would wanna go.

  5. azrin says:

    Should have adjusted the MEME so U guys go VISIT everyone on the list.
    Hee hee heee…
    BTW,see yr PR and TECHNORATI bump up like nobody business!

    Now then, where to find my next victim?

    Azrin @

    The Giddy Tiger says: Welcome welcome…you who started the vacation meme. No change in PR yet and didn’t notice the Technorati either. Anyway…it was a fun meme.

  6. chooi peng says:

    HI, mind to share which hotel u r staying?

    The Giddy Tiger says: We stayed at Paradise Island Resort. Have you been to The Maldives?

  7. The Maldives looks beautiful. The water is so clear.

    I need to do this one too.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yes it really is. Underwater life is absolutely GORGEOUS in The Maldives. Can’t wait to read yours…

  8. Pingback: Where Do I Want To Go? « All About Zara and Zaria

  9. Pingback: An amazing & adventurous journey » Where Do I Want To Go?

  10. Pingback: Just My Tots

  11. Hijackqueen says:

    We actually planned to go Maldives for our 10th Anninersary. Change of plan cos Hubby need to attend conference in Las Vegas. If not, the person that is standing in your first pic could be ME! Ah… no worries. I can always have excuse like 11th year anni. Sheeshh….

    The Giddy Tiger says: Definitely a must-go for the adventure seeker… looking forward to your Maldives pictures for your 11th anniversary!

  12. Pingback: Wah 1st Time...I LIKE THIS TAG! « LaundryAmah

  13. Pingback: Fly SiwwyPig To Europe... « The Life and Rants of SiwwyPig

  14. Pingback: Hijack Queen » My Next Vacation Meme

  15. Pingback: Off to Hailam Island!

  16. Pingback: AngelaNPG goes to Europe «

  17. Pingback: 1Day@ATime… » Blog Archive » Holy Land

  18. Pingback: Odysseys of George » Blog Archive » My Dream Vacation

  19. Pingback: South Korea is where I want to go « as fickle as can be

  20. Pingback: bora bora island

  21. I really recommend this. Maldives is really a good place for honeymoon.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Great beaches, clear blue water and lots of sun. What’s not to like? 🙂

  22. Pingback: Maldives » Blog Archive » THE MALDIVES Maldives or Maledives, officiall...

  23. Pingback: Maldives » Blog Archive » Maldives winner

  24. Pingback: Maldives » Blog Archive » My Ultimate Dream Vacation

  25. My Maldives says:

    Good to hear that you enjoyed Maldives a lot.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah we did.

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