Thoof Knows Me!…and now I know Thoof too

Thoof. Thoof. Thoof. Say the word “Thoof” a couple more times, and you will find that it is indeed a mouthful. Thoof is the latest ingenious site that caters to an individual’s personal taste. At Thoof, you will be shown personalized news, sites, videos, and links, all customized according to your very own preference.

But it really makes me wonder how the name Thoof was decided on. Maybe its creators believe in the Tooth Fairy, and the name Thoof is just a slight change on the name to depict that. Or maybe Thoof is the name of the creator’s pet. In any case, the name is indeed a catchy one. And one that will stick inside someone’s head for a long long time.

Possibly though, the name Thoof could have been created based on two other words, forming a formula like this:

Thoof = Think + Poof!

When someone thinks of a piece of news, poof! it will get displayed on Thoof! Yes?

The beauty of this is that Thoof is able to display articles based on a reader’s preference. And this is all done by magic? Poof! You bet! 😀 With Thoof, readers can also submit articles and edit the articles they do not like! Articles submitted will then be ThoofRanked. A ThoofRank is a number that indicates the number of stories your story is better than (the higher the better). And what better way than to show off our rank using the fantastic ThoofRank Badge!

Now excuse me, while I go and ThoofRank my posts! 🙂

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2 Responses to Thoof Knows Me!…and now I know Thoof too

  1. michelle says:

    Hey I like your combination Think + Poof! I wish it works for my fav. food.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, I think I’ll grow fat very fast if it works on food 🙂

  2. huisia says:

    Joyce, i really like the way you write your paid post, very creative and unique! Even those ang-mors can’t write as good as you!

    Maybe you can consider to write for Reader Digest!! Sure i will buy every issue 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Thanks! Can you recommend me? *wink*

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