My maternity leave officially ended yesterday, the fourth of May. This time round, the 60 days seemed to pass by faster. Perhaps it is because I am juggling many more things now, including blogging.
But leave or no leave, it does not make a difference to me now. True, I had intended to be on an extended leave of absence anyway, given that I am in the States now and have a baby to care for. I had planned on only going back to work a month after our return to Penang. But all that has changed now.
The company I worked for recently announced a major restructuring of its organization, and sometime in the middle of my maternity leave, I was informed that April 30th was my last working day.
Yes, it means that I am no longer employed, and no longer bringing in a steady source of income for my family.
It means that as of now, my husband is the sole breadwinner.
It means I will have to use this time to reflect on what I really want out of life.
And it also means I will be able to realize my dream of becoming a SAHM.
…well, for now, at least.
As a couple of my previous ambiguously blogged posts revealed, I will allow myself to be directed by God in a way He knows best. What the future holds for me, I do not know, but wherever He leads, I will follow… with all my faith and hope, there is bound to be a promise of greatness up ahead.
All the best. God bless you and your family.
The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks Pei Sze!
Take care. I’m sure God will take care of you & your family
I’m sure ur company compensated you well…Now, have to plan well…
Dont worry. God will be with you, guiding u. Hey…SAHM or WAHM is a wonderful thing 🙂
and hannah and ethan can have more of you then!
all the best. am sure it’s a blessing in disguise. have faith.
While it may have come as a surprise (shock, even), there is a silver lining in every cloud. From your previous posts, I was more worried that you had family issues but I am relieved that it involved your work. Big issue, yes; life-threatening, a BIG NO! Your career ball is made out of rubber and can bounce back up. Your life ball is made of crystal, that once dropped, it can never be pieced back to be the same again. Enjoy the break 🙂
Any compensation? Anyway this is a good opportunity for you to catch up on your hobbies!
Your strong Faith will bring you God’s blessings.
I am sure you can find a job when you are back. Think positive yeah!
hope u have a big compensation and welcome to SAHM if u are planning to do so..
welcome to SAHM club 🙂
so sorry to hear that…
but im curious how come they decide to retrench u when they’ev “invested” in bringign u over to the states for a few mths already…
anyhow…God has a purpose for everything…
be it being a SAHM….or finding another job….
sure everything will fall in place somehow in His time
God bless!
when r u coming back?
Not to worry, He will make all things to go well for you. Enjoy being a SAHM! Your dream com true! *hugs*
Welcome to the world of SAHM! Guess you will have more time to learn knitting! no worry and enjoy the moment with the little ones!
I was in an exact situation like you. I just finished maternity 2 yrs ago and during my first week reporting back, I was told to pack my bags within 24 hrs. My emotions were everywhere. I felt lost. Yes they paid me a sum but I felt so insecure without a job after working for so many donkey years! I woke up each morning having no where to rush to. Yes I had my baby to take care but my mom helped a lot. I really focused on getting another job rather than spending quality time with my lil one. I was just THAT insecure. Now all is well and life still has to go on. Good luck ya!
The first thing that came to everyone’s mind is the compensation. LOL. I am looking forward to my days. Really bored working in this company. But I know they won’t retrench anybody. All of us was under cold storage. Haven’t had an increment for 4 years now. Go enjoy your SAHM. I’m dreaming of mine. 😉
Hope things will work out just fine. As they say, as one door closes, another one opens, … just have to knock :o)