When we got back from the States more than a year ago, I’d opted to sign up for a new telecommunications plan with Maxis, because I had already terminated my old Celcom line (if you’re interested to read why I terminated my Celcome line, click here).
Anyway, when I was asked to choose a new number, I did ask first if my old number was still available. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. So I had to choose a new number from the available numbers provided.
Well apparently some of the numbers that were *available* to be chosen used to belong to someone else, and I was just SO LUCKY to choose one that was in that category. Even worse, I found out that the previous owner had failed to inform MANY people that he had terminated his number.
So I would get calls saying, “Hello, can I speak to Mr Chang?” or “Hallo, itu Chang Ching Ming ke?”
Yes, even up till now, I am still receiving such calls off and on.
So if your name is something that sounds like the name I have mentioned above, and you have changed your mobile phone number in the past year, please check and recheck that you have informed EVERYONE you know that you have changed your number. And that includes banks, financiers, associations and clubs.
This is a community service reminder brought to you by the Giddy Tigress.