I Saw the OB-GYN Today

I did not realize how difficult it would be to find a suitable OB-GYN here, let alone set up an appointment with one.

Well, we were first recommended to go to the nearest hospital to where we live, but I soon found out that although there were quite a number of OB-GYNs affiliated with that hospital, it was not easy finding one that was currently accepting new patients.  And then just as I was about to make an appointment with one of the OB-GYNs there, I stumbled on another medical group a little further from us to the east.  This second hospital’s website was more detailed and showed a video of the delivery suite and the rooms, and so we decided to get a doctor from there instead.

I called up one doctor and after giving the nurse all my details, I find out that the doctor was only doing gynecology now, and not doing any more obstetrics (baby stuff).  Shoot.

So then I decided to contact another OB-GYN, but then I find out that this second doctor is only treating patients with high-risk pregnancies.  In the end, we decided on a female OB-GYN.  It will be my first time ever with a female OB-GYN, but we figured it’s high time I had a check-up anyways.

Truth be told, I was also concurrently doing my homework and research for a homebirth here in Massachusetts, but I found out that home birthing coverage is not guaranteed under our medical insurance plan; we might be covered about 60-80% but it’s not guaranteed.  Any anyway, while I continue my research and findings, I still needed a checkup with a medical practitioner…if anything, we still have no idea if the baby is going to be a boy or girl.

So today was my first visit with the OB-GYN at her clinic (actually, one of the clinics she practises in).  It’s about 15 minutes from our hotel.  Check out the gorgeous chandelier at the entrance stairway…


I was assessed at being 27 weeks along, with “beautiful” blood pressure, and ideal fundal height (27cm at 27 weeks).  The word in quotation marks came from the doctor. 🙂

Since I was only beginning my prenatal checkup with the doctor at this point in my pregnancy, I had a number of routine blood and urine tests done too, including those for hepatitis B, rubella, varicella zoster, HIV, gestational diabetes (a glucose test similar to the one I had done in California, where I had to drink a glucose drink and then have my blood drawn about an hour later), anemia, etc.  The doctor also recommended a blood test for cystic fibrosis, but we are still undecided on that one; we’ll decide when I see her next in 2 weeks’ time.

As was usually the case, the doctor did not have an ultrasound done in her office today, but I was told that the medical assistants would schedule an ultrasound with another medical doctor in the hospital as soon as possible.

So today it was just a case of a regular checkup, listening to baby’s heartbeat, and I also had a pap smear done (uggh).  Oh, and I also had a flu shot.  Apparently, it’s recommended for pregnant women here, especially in winter months.  Didn’t hurt a single bit, and the drawing of blood (5-6 test tubes) for all the blood tests was also pain-free.  Yay!

So yeah…a lot of stuff happening today, I’m still trying to gather my thoughts…haha.  Hopefully we’ll be able to get an appointment scheduled for the ultrasound soon. 🙂

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One Response to I Saw the OB-GYN Today

  1. Kit says:

    Will you really go for a homebirth? I guess if you can find a highly experienced midwife, you could do it. I would read, read, read up as much as I can about the potential midwife and ask around the local community.

    Tests for cystic fibrosis are quite standard for the US. Hope you’ll find the best plan for you 😀

    The Giddy Tigress says: I’m tempted about the homebirth option, more so because of my 2 kids being by my side, but another part of me is nervous too. Thanks for the kind thoughts, dear. Appreciate it. 🙂

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