The camera I now use is at least 5 years old. My hubby bought it from the States when he was there on business and we’ve used it ever since. Although our trusted camera produces excellent shots (actually mostly due to the photographers.. hehe!), the battery life is running short and we can hardly take 10 shots before we have to change the battery.
So, I think it’s high time we scout around for a new camera. Of course, my best resource is the internet and I recently stumbled on this fantastic site Testfreaks. Testfreaks collects reviews and information about technological gadgets, including of course the best digital cameras in the market, compare them and help consumers make an informed decision before actually placing an order. I especially like the feature that lists the Top 10 products in a particular category, for instance Top 10 Digital Cameras.
Testfreaks is currently in test phase (Alpha version) but will soon be launching with cool stuff like forums, professional reviews and if you really can’t wait, you can check out the Testfreaks Blog now. To get a head start on what Testfreaks has to offer, join their forumnow. You won’t regret it.
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