You can always lean on me

With great power comes great responsibilty, that’s the tagline from Spiderman. And that’s the phrase that has been reverberating in my head for the past couple of weeks. I had a recent change in role in my work and while it is not a drastic change, this new role encompasses a broader aspect in terms of project management and ownership. At the same time, it commands certainly much more responsibility on my part. I can’t say much about the “power” portion though, but I do feel empowered to produce results. That’s a good thing, no?

There are plenty of project management methods out there, but the one that is taking the world by storm is probably the Six Sigma Methodology. In fact, I just completed my first Six Sigma White Belt project not too long ago, and last month, I had the opportunity to participate in an important Six Sigma Lean Management project. I was perusing some slides concerning the Six Sigma Lean Management just yesterday, and was enthused by the fact that there are so many tools related to this aspect of the Six Sigma methodology. While Lean Management eliminates waste in order to achieve productivity, it makes use of the concepts and practices of Six Sigma to attain its goals. Using this similar comparison, we can even apply the concepts to our working environment to improve our worklife efficiency. Now, if we are efficient, we can certainly get more things done better and faster and hey, maybe even sneak in some blogging and face-book-poking, and oh…I don’t know.. maybe some Rock Paper Scissors and slaying some vampires too, if we are super-efficient?

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2 Responses to You can always lean on me

  1. LB says:

    LOL, yes to RPS!!! Although, I am losing steam on that even!! How can? With great power, comes great space suits!! YATTAAA!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Space suits? WHY???

  2. rinnah says:

    Waaaa… I wanna know more about Six Sigma, can you teach me? What is all this White Belt stuff anyway… like taekwondo?

    The Giddy Tiger says: Not like Taekwondo la… 😛

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