Hair affair to share and bare

Photo Credits: eBeauty Daily

Got my hair highlighted today. Yay me. Believe it or not, it was my first time getting highlights done. In fact, it was my first time getting a salon to put any color in my hair. Some years ago, I colored my hair using the DIY method (save money ma), which turned out quite all right, by my standards. I have very fine hair and quite little hair too, so home coloring meant it was not a problem for me to cover my entire head of hair. Well, most of it anyway. The result of my DIY coloring was akin to highlights too, because there were a few stray portions that were left uncolored. This time, however, I thought I would treat myself to some professional highlights at the salon. A good friend of mine once told me that if I wanted to get highlights for my hair, to never every do it myself. So, that’s what I did. In any case, I desperately needed a hair cut too.

Off I trudged to the D’View hair salon recommended by Susan, who coincidentally also wanted to get her hair colored. We chose our colors after a brief discussion with Cindy, the hair stylist and then sat back and watched as the *magic* began. I chose a slightly dark blonde color, which Cindy said would set off my fair complexion beautifully. She told me that the color I see in the sample would appear one shade darker after being applied on the hair.  She also mentioned that since my hair was fine, the blonde highlights would suit me well. I have no idea what the rationale behind this was, by the way, but trusted her judgement nonetheless. The only thing I told her was that I wanted the highlights to be subtle and yet to be visible too, whatever that meant. It certainly made sense to Cindy, anyway.

The highlighting process began with the application of the hair color to individual sections of my hair. A piece of aluminum sheet was inserted below a hair section, and the color paste was brushed on. Then the aluminum sheet was folded to cover the colored hair section and pinned aside. Following that, another section of my hair was combed aside, untouched and uncolored. This entire process was repeated till my entire head was covered in sheets of aluminum, hair pins and hair color. No way was I gonna take a picture of me with my hair sticking out like that all over the place! Then a heater-like apparatus was placed over my head, providing heat to the top of my head and also the right and left sides. After about 15-20 minutes, the sheets were removed and the color on my hair was rinsed out.

Next came the color treatment. Something that looked very much like hair mousse was applied generously to my entire head and then it was heater-time again. 15 minutes later, my hair was left to cool, and then the hair treatment mousse was rinsed off. At this point, I could see the highlights showing subtlely when my hair caught the light, and it look good 🙂

Cindy then gave me a hair cut. I asked her to trim and convert my fringe into a side-parting one, and also to cut off roughly an inch from the back of my hair. I have to admit she was pretty good at it. It helped that she too had fine and little hair like me. And I was very satisfied with the results. I now have a new haircut for Christmas and the New Year, I love my new hair highlights.. and well, the only thing is that it has left a hole in my pocket 🙁

I initially thought the quoted RM140 price for highlighting my hair included the haircut and the treatment, but I found out that it did not. In the end, I parted with RM270++. Sob sob… but the upside is that I’ve got a great new head of hair now to show off 🙂 Here’s the obligatory before and after photos (back view only) 😛

The change doesn’t look too drastic, eh?  Well, hubbs loves it and so do I, so that hole in the pocket seems worthwhile after all!  🙂 

I do need to refrain from washing my hair till Sunday though, which I honestly do not think I can tahan because I am used to washing my hair every day. AaargggHhhhhhh!!!! How now brown cow?

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12 Responses to Hair affair to share and bare

  1. LB says:

    Wow, you look so sexy even from behind!!! Yes, definitely worth it! There’s that extra sheen, and lustre…

    The Giddy Tigress says: And it feels sexy too! *grins*

  2. Jemima says:

    Similar color to mine. 😀
    Mine’s more of a woody brown.

    Why need to wait so long before a hairwash?
    I never did.. always wash it the very next day. 😛

    Have a Blessed Weekend! 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Guess what? I washed my hair the next day…couldn’t stand it any longer.

  3. laundryamah says:

    nice colours!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks!

  4. mistipurple says:

    whistles.. phheewweeet!

    The Giddy Tigress blushes and runs away.

  5. rinnah says:

    Love the new color! Hey, I can’t see the front leh… when are you going to show us? Lawl.

    Why cannot wash hair immediately one? *puzzled* And your hair doesn’t look fine and little from the back.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks dearie! You have to imagine the front 😛

  6. Lovelymummy says:

    nice colour…:-)
    it;s been quite some time that i didnt go for highlighting and colour…thinking to do it before CNY…LOL!!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Better do it early so they don’t charge you exorbitantly for it!

  7. may says:

    your hair looks wonderful! so lush, so shiny. ahhh, I wish it weren’t so expensive to get highlights here. I’d love to have some brown hues in my hair once again.

    The Giddy Tigress says: If you were in Penang or I in Sydney, we could highlight/color each others’ hair for free, no?

  8. Paik Ling says:

    Nice!!!!!! Worth every single cent lah. Better refrain from washing else like money down the shower drain ha ha

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh, but I washed it the very next day. hehehe…

  9. PInk cOTTON says:

    very nice!…i love it…honestly! =)
    well what can i was money well spent…we girls need some pampering sometimes…heh

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes yes, we certainly do.

  10. huisia says:

    your hair look nice. i bet your look look even nicer. 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks Huisia!

  11. denna says:

    wow..that is expensive but the result is awesome..i love the colour..

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks, I love it too!

  12. jazzmint says:

    hehe i just went to cut & dye my hair too…red!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Pictures mana?

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