Yup, I’ve decided to change my theme and here it is. A 3-columnal theme, which is (hopefully) pleasing to the eye. I like my old theme too, but more often than not, I have had to make my pictures smaller to fit its narrow column. Now, with this new theme, although the width of the post is relatively similar, I have an additional column for sponsors and other blog statistics (like who visited and what they clicked).
After many weeks of toying around with the theme, adjusting it here and there, and creating the header (better like it ok?)…I’m done! This new theme is still in Beta stage for about a week or so, while I tidy up details and tie up loose ends (I’m trying to figure out how to remove the image padding – I’ve set it to 0 in the css but it still doesn’t work… hmmmm…). So do let me know what you think… does this bode better with you compared to the old theme? Do you have another theme you’d like to suggest? I’m open to all comments, complaints, bouquets and brickbats.
As for the logo, it is probably a temporary one for no; my most-artistic hubby will create another logo when inspiration discovers him… heh heh…