Shooi has tagged me (again!) – whassup girlfriend??!! Seriously though, this is a tag for a good cause, and not just to generate website traffic. Originating from Blogger Power, this message implores all adult site webmasters to make the internet a safe place for our children and future generation by password-protecting all adult-content sites.
A Request To All Webmasters Of Adult Sites:
“Please require a password-protected login before allowing even free access to explicit adult content. We understand that selling porn is your business and we respect your right to make a legal living. But understand our legitimate concerns and work with us. You already have the “warning adult content” on your websites. Yet kids, who are not legal customers of your product, ignore the warning. So to prevent them from having direct access to explicit images, texts and sounds, the simplest way is to have a password-protected login. No more “free tours” before a visitor supplies basic information.”
I won’t be tagging anyone after this as most of the people I would like to tag have already been tagged.
Definitely a worthy cause. 🙂