Wedding Reflections…and then some

Don’t you just love weddings? I do. Contrary to what most people feel about weddings, i.e. likening getting a wedding invite to being slapped with a summons, I somehow don’t think of it as that at all. A wedding is a gateway to a marriage. Two individuals so in love with each other that they just wanna proclaim their love to the entire universe! I can’t understand why it is considered ok for some people not to have a reception and wedding ceremony, and instead make do with just a legal wedding registration and that’s it. That just takes the fun out of having a wedding in the first place. I definitely had tons of fun orchestrating my wedding and making sure everything falls into place. Sure, there were hiccups along the way, but it turned out all right in the end…..Anyways, I’ll reminisce about that some other day. That being said, I just love the whole idea of a wedding…getting ready to go to a wedding, dressing up for it, welcoming the couple, etc. What’s there not to like?

And that was exactly what we did during the long weekend that just passed. It was my cousin-in-law’s wedding and it was held in my hometown in Ipoh. My hubby and I were served tea for the second time in the Chinese tea ceremony, the first being at my brother’s wedding about 1.5 years back.

Of course, a wedding will not be complete without certain things that make it a wedding:

People of all walks of life dressed up to the nines, some in sexy outfits and some in traditionally *safe* outfits.

The bride and groom flashing smiles the entire time (I remember doing so – and yes, you do end up with an aching jaw…well, somewhat) for the photographers, videographers, relatives, friends….

And of course the customary relatives asking when the next bundle of joy is coming…. Psssst…by the way, my hubby adores kids and he wants a pair of twin girls next followed by another boy after that. His motto is “The more the merrier”! He’s been watching a lot of Discovery Home & Health lately, which (I think) has contributed immensely to his love for kids. DH&H had been featuring the Duggar family who has 16 kids and counting! Ah well….my motto is to take whatever God blesses us with 😀 Actually, perhaps it’s about time I started thinking about putting that proverbial bun in the oven …. now that Ethan is 16 months already. We shall see, shan’t we? 😉

And lastly of course we have the food! It was a wedding lunch reception so we were all really HUNGRY when it started ala Malaysian time, so much so that I totally forgot about flaunting my photo-taking skills (ahem!). I only remembered to whip out my camera when it was time for dessert. We don’t get this dessert when we attend weddings in Penang anyways. Pancake with sweet sweet lin-yung, served with sweet sweet tong-sui. Absolute yum.

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11 Responses to Wedding Reflections…and then some

  1. rinnah says:

    Oooh… I love weddings! Can’t wait to plan my own. Heh. But for now I’m still on the receiving end of the angpows and the questions of where’s the boyfriend / when are you getting married…

    Time to add a sweet girlie to the giddy tiger family, eh? We await the happy news… *grin*

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, the questions never cease….”where’s the boyfriend”, followed by “when are you getting married?” followed by “when is the 1st baby?” followed by “when is the next one?”…..
    btw, I am available for wedding consultation when the time comes…I await YOUR happy news too. *grins even wider*

  2. huisia says:

    one of my friend, no ring, no wedding photo, no wedding dinner, but with a bouquet of flower during her registration day. actually i so kasihan her la..

    The Giddy Tiger says: Oh dear…Did she want it that way?

  3. Eh no, get married must have whole she-bang! White dress, bridesmaids, dinner, lots of angpows hehe…No quiet quiet one unless elope lah.. hehe… I’m still getting the “Why no bf?” so sien la 🙁 But yeah I can’t wait to plan a wedding (if there’s ever going to be one! 😛 ) And I’ll await news of a little Ms. GT eh? 😀

    The Giddy Tiger says: Of course my offer for wedding consultation and planning is also open to Ms Paris Beaverbanks!

  4. shooi says:

    That pancake thingy….got la. I know tat i had it several times b4.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Hmmm…somehow all the weddings I have attended in Penang so far have not had it. Probably not that popular here.

  5. Hijackqueen says:

    I support you on your proverbial bun! Go, go, go!

    The Giddy Tiger says: You commented because you saw the word “bun” right? *ngek*

  6. LB says:

    I haven’t had the good fortune to be invited to too many weddings, so for me, weddings are still very esteemed occasions, worth all that Big Hoo Haa! I just hope your guys there, rinnah, and paris beaverbanks will remember to invite me, even if I might not be able to make it. Just the thought thing, yeah? *happy grin*

    The Giddy Tiger says: I’m sure you’ll be invited, and I have no doubt that lormaikai will be served too! LOL

  7. Pink Cotton says:

    ahhh weddings…

    i hv 3 in my agenda for this year oredi…but then again hor…for single ppl like me, its a time when the WHEN IS UR TURN question pops out…sigh…

    as of yet i still have not come out with a perfect answer for this 😛

    and lets not forget weddings gives me the opportunity to shop for new dresses! WOOT!

    The Giddy Tiger says: I absolutely agree with your “Woot!” on the shopping for dresses 🙂

  8. Pink Cotton says:

    psst just visited your “Our Journey of Love” website…cool!

    got all the lovey dovey feeling..HEE :p

    The Giddy Tiger says: Hehe…glad to be of service making you goosey-bumpy 🙂

  9. Weddings just make me cry. One less leng lui to chase. *piak from the missus* wakakakaka

    But I do enjoy seeing the happy couple and all the fun games played. Especially at a Chinese wedding where the best man and maid of honor are really clever. 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Were you involved in the *games* too?

  10. Pinkelle says:

    I used to like the dressing up and thinking of what to wear but after I attended too many last year, it got a bit sien. That plus the questions of “When’s your turn ah?” So I’m staying home for most this year 🙂 Sit in my schleppy shorts and eat mom’s home-cooked dinner!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Close enough if you like dressing up… hehehe!

  11. rinnah says:

    Maybe you can start a side business on wedding planning and consultation, GT. Hehehe. Make more $$$. Definitely will do when the time comes… *hugs*

    LB: So you make sure you come back from Italy for the wedding la… I time it in July / August if possible. Hehehe.

    The Giddy Tiger says: And you’ll be my first client, yes? I’ll gladly give you a hefty discount!

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