This Day in History

Do you ever wonder what happened years ago on the day you were born? Well, I’ll have to admit it isn’t something I do everyday, but Everyday Healy has made me give this some thought. And now, even if you don’t know what happened on the date you were born, you know what happened on mine 🙂 Interesting tag, this…


1. Go to Wikipedia.
2. Type in your birthday and search your birthdate : Oct 21
3. From the results, list down 3 events, 2 births and 1 holiday.

3 Events

1879 – Using a filament of carbonized thread, Thomas Edison tests the first practical electric incandescent light bulb (it lasted 13½ hours before burning out).

1945Women’s suffrage: Women are allowed to vote in France for the first time.

2001 – “United We Stand” benefit concert for September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks victims, held at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. Event organized and headlined by Michael Jackson, also featuring pop stars Aerosmith, Mariah Carey, The Backstreet Boys, and others.

2 Births

1833Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor and founder of the Nobel Prize (d. 1896)

1967Paul Ince, English footballer

1 Holiday

Diwali in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism (2006)

These are the people who have participated so far:

Mommyness is Happyness
This is a Miracle
Life’s Prisms
Rooms of my Heart
Life’s a Rollercoaster
Keeyit’s Wonderful Life
Lingzie’s Tummy Treats
Lilian Chan’s 5xmom
Adrian’s void sky
Sasha’s Tags & Such
Lemonjude’s Memoirs.:*CRoSs mY hEARt*:.
wHOisBaBy’s Family Friends Food & Fun
LiL’deviL’s LittLe famiLy
Everyday Healy
Giddy Tigers

Hmmm…and now I am interested to know the birthdates of the following people… because this tag is merely an excuse to know the birthdate of the blogger. 🙂

  • Rinnah – how could I leave you out?
  • Paris – because I know you are definitely a good sport!
  • Pink Elle – good things come in pink packages! 😀
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8 Responses to This Day in History

  1. rinnah says:

    I *knew* this tag was coming my way when I saw that Healy had tagged you! *grin*

    Eh, no need excuse to know my birthdate one… it’s there for you to see in Facebook what… LOL!

    Hey, you share the same day birthday as my best offline friend! I wonder if also same year or not? *ponders* She has the sweetest baby girl… coming up on one year old. Wanna matchmake? ROTFL!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Oooh….come come show me the baby girl’s picture! *grins*

  2. ParisB says:

    OMGOMG! You are just 3 days away! :O This is super freaky 😛

    The Giddy Tiger says: To your birthday??? Really? 😀

  3. rinnah says:

    Submit homework liao!

    The Giddy Tiger says: That was really fast! And with personalized thoughts samo! Hands down, a great taggee…I shall tag thee again 😛

  4. Pinkelle says:

    Wah! Another tag…will get to it ASAP! Thanks GT!

    The Giddy Tiger says: My pleasure!

  5. Pinkelle says:


    *hands over tag for inspection* 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Inspected and passed with flying colors! 😀

  6. may says:

    that’s not too far away, is it? heheh! coming soon!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeppers.

  7. This is neat to see what happened on people’s burpday. 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: I thought I saw someone tag you on this too!

  8. Pingback: History bores me BUT… — Paris Beaverbanks

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