Mooncake or Not?

When is a mooncake not a mooncake? When it looks like jelly!

That’s what I had for dessert just yesterday during lunch. We had our monthly department birthday celebration then. Some of the jelly mooncakes were made from fruits, so it’s so much more healthier than its conventional mooncake counterparts. There were so many flavors to choose from: dragon fruit, lychee, markisa, honeydew (I think), leong fun and also red bean. I was so spoilt for choice! Each mooncake also contain a faux egg yolk in it, also made of jelly! I thought that was a very unique touch to it. Some of my friends actually *thought* it was actual egg!

Although these jelly mooncakes kinda sacrifices its authenticity in terms of having a regular mooncake, it bodes well for the eye. Look at how colorful the array of jelly mooncakes is! Wouldn’t you just wanna sink your teeth into one of them? Mooncakes have become so commercialized nowadays, as have everything else. This year, I have yet to taste mooncake that can be considered delicious, according to my taste. I had a few pieces of Shangri-la’s mooncake yesterday too (the traditional lotus paste with egg kind), but sad to say I wasn’t exactly jumping up and down about it. Perhaps it was because I expected too much from my previous year’s experience with Shangri-la’s… Hmmm….makes me wonder if the mooncake I tasted from Shangri-la Penang is the same as the one Rinnah raved about from Shangril-la KL….

Happy Mooncake Festival to everyone in advance!

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16 Responses to Mooncake or Not?

  1. ParisB says:

    I love jelly mooncakes because I don’t eat conventional baked ones. 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: They look prettier too, don’t they?

  2. ehon says:

    I don’t like it! Cos I think it’s just the same as ordinary jelly. 😛 As much as I don’t go hoo-ha over the conventional baked mooncake, I think it’s still special and cos we only have them almost once a year. 😀

    The Giddy Tiger says: Are you going to tarpow some back to OZ-land?

  3. Gallivanter says:

    Jelly mooncake? Doesn’t look too appetizing…hmmm

    The Giddy Tiger says: Things don’t always taste like they look 🙂

  4. LB says:

    Now, why didn’t I see any before I left? *sobs*

    The Giddy Tiger says: I’m sure you would be able to concoct something Italian on your own…

  5. Sue says:

    Used to be good Shangri-la mooncakes…different chefs now probably…wah I miss mooncakes…by the time I come back will be “seh kor liao”…

    The Giddy Tiger says: Can’t find any near where you stay eh? Time to look for a mooncake recipe and make some on your own then …

  6. jazzmint says:

    wah ini dapat fr where one

    The Giddy Tiger says: My dept secretary ordered from her friend.

  7. rinnah says:

    Aha! Now that’s a variation of mooncake I haven’t eaten yet! I tried a new variety today… to be revealed in part two of my mooncake review. LOL!

    Thanks for the mention! *blush*

    The Giddy Tiger says: I love reading mooncake reviews, maybe cos my Chinese name has the MOON character in it.

  8. may says:

    I used to like these “new age” mooncakes, but I’m going back to basics… the lotus paste is my favourite. jelly mooncakes ah… taste like jelly only wor…

    The Giddy Tiger says: I guess the jelly mooncake is just the novelty in itself. My favorite traditional mooncake is the “ping pei” and the lotus paste with eggyolk.

  9. Shantanu says:

    Very interesting! Would love to try one of these to see for myself how they compare.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Good for you, if you love jelly, you’ll like these!

  10. michelle says:

    Aiks I miss all those moon cakes! Darn Early Morning Meetings 🙁

    The Giddy Tiger says: Sorry, forgot to tarpow for you! I was too busy eating!

  11. Adino says:

    Yummy, I love jelly! Did you all make these yourselves?

    The Giddy Tiger says: Nah…but I can eat all of it by myself!

  12. Jo-N says:

    I have tried jelly mooncakes before but those made by my hubby’s aunt.

    The Giddy Tiger says: I bet those were good too.

  13. keeyit says:

    I love jelly mooncakes that made by my mum.. I am going hometown today. So hopefully I still got the chance to show you my homemade jelly mooncake..

    The Giddy Tiger says: I went to your site and I saw the lovely creations your Mom made! 🙂

  14. Chen says:

    i saw the jelly mooncake in the shopping mall but didnt buy any. Bought few mini ping pei vegetarian mooncake from the vegetarian shop in Pulau Tikus instead 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Hey, are the ping pei ones any good this year? I’m craving for some 🙂

  15. Pinkelle says:

    Yummy! I want 🙂 I don’t usually like normal mooncakes but I love all these unconventional ones!

    The Giddy Tiger says: You do? Wow…how to send through email ah?

  16. I like that. So pretty. Bet I would not get sick eating them like regular mooncakes. 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Absolutely not. Jelly is *cooling*

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