Red red ong ong angpows

One of my pre-Chinese New Year activities, apart from boring old spring cleaning, is collecting angpow packets. I normally start this activity about a month or three weeks before Chinese New Year. Everywhere I shop, I would ask if they had angpow packets to give away. Sometimes I have to *adjust* my purchases just so I qualify to get the angpow packets. Such is my determination to get the angpow packets that I want. Of course, I normally ask to see what the angpow packets look like first, because then I will know if it is worth the while to get them. When I told my hubby I was gonna ask my facial center if they do give out angpow packets, he asked me if my hobby is now collecting angpows. Hardihaha.

This year, I have amassed quite a good collection to date. I’m hoping to get a couple more designs because I am not done with my shopping yet. Plus, I still need to go to my other banks to get some new notes which CIMB bank did not have.

Once I am ready to pack the angpows, I will then assign a specific design for a specific angpow amount. All angpows of the same design (and in this case, same content amount) will be grouped together and placed in my bag. This way, I can easily produce an angpow of the correct amount when the situation calls for it. No need to rummage and peer into angpow packets to check the contents before giving the angpow away.

And what do I do with the rest of the angpows? I don’t know yet. Make more Chinese New Year decorations?

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15 Responses to Red red ong ong angpows

  1. LB says:

    Yeah, they do make wonderful hanging decorations, cut into fish shapes, but this year must be rats!! Right?

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yikes! How to fold rats? Hang pictures of Mickey Mouse up, can?

  2. Paik Ling says:

    if you want Stanchart’s (i got malaysia, Spore & hong Kong), email me your home address ok? 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Gee, thanks for the offer Paik Ling! You know you’re making me an offer I can’t refuse!

  3. may says:

    so very ONG, those red packets! at one time I collected the striking ones given to me, but then I realised I was just hoarding rubbish and threw all of them away last year while packin’ up!

    The Giddy Tigress says: I used to collect them too, when I used to be eligible to receive them.

  4. pelf says:

    I have seen people who could make very beautiful CNY decor by using leftover red packets 😀

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, I’ve seen those too. And I am trying to emulate them.

  5. Yes, I knew a lady who’s very handy in crafty stuff. She made a big giant lantern .. very unique and special. And she sold them for a lot of money …

    Give me your address via email. I can send you angpaos made in Andie. We print our own angpaos. But I always welcome free ones. Lol.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Gee thanks… you’re tempting me again!

  6. rinnah says:

    That’s a very organized way of handing out angpows! I’ve received big amount angpows by mistake before and my mum’s accidentally given away big amounts too. Hehe.

    So, which banks/shops angpow styles do you have now besides the ones above?

    The Giddy Tigress says: I have received large amounts, but I always thought that they meant to give me that much! Hehe…. Errmm…actually those are the ones I have so far, for this year. I’m still collecting though. Which one do you prefer me to give you? *wink*

  7. nyonyapenang says:

    I used to be like you…go around collecting the angpow packets…had lots of them taking up space in the drawers. Finally gotta throw them away.
    i also pack different angpow packets for different denomination….save all the fumbling in the handbag. 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, I think I need to make it a point to throw away most of them each year. But I normally save the nicer ones for when I need to use them for wedding dinners and stuff.

  8. I like your system. Very clever GT.

    The envelopes are so nice looking. I need to get some ready for my kids and nieces. haha

    Hey I am finally making some moves in Scrabulous too.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Do you get many in the States? Or do you need to go to Chinatown to get them? Scrabulous?!!! Gosh…you just reminded me…I have been SO idle for the past few weeks too!

  9. jazzmint says:

    gimme ur add..i send u some hp ones keke..i still have some fr last year i collect also.but oni nice ones LOL

    The Giddy Tigress says: Gee thanks Jazz!

  10. ablogaway says:

    Well, from the last 2 years, LD does give out very nice ang pow packets. Not sure about Aester Spring though…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks for the tip! I went and asked the LD Gurney Plaza branch for some but this year, they look okay only…

  11. I used to collect ang pow packets too and have a big box of them left. I should turn them into CNY decorations.

    The Giddy Tigress says: You still have them after all these years?

  12. michelle says:

    I sticked to 1 bank that is HSBC, they give nice angpow packets.

    The Giddy Tigress says: For the past few years though, HSBC angpow packets have not been to my liking, because I prefer the longish kinds. This year however, I am happy to note that they are giving out longish and wider ones.

  13. Hijackqueen says:

    Go Aeon/JJ to get their new Mickey Mouse angpow packet. Very cute.

    The Giddy Tigress says: I got the ones frm JJ, but they did not come in Mickey Mouse designs also….do you mean the kinds where we have to buy them?

  14. KittyCat says:

    Yeah, the Jusco ones are cute! I tend to use ‘evergreen’ packets and get the new notes from MIL in Kuching…

    If you wanna BUY some, this CNY decor shop in Island Park has some specially cut & folded ones. Lucas got 2 packs free when I bought stuff fr them last year 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Where in Island Park exactly? But come to think of it, this year’s collection has been quite promising. Most of them are above-average nice.

  15. Annie says:

    Annie – March 27, 2008

    Hi! I am a new ang pow packets collector from Malaysia. I started collecting just two years ago. Now I have about 3000 packets. If u need any ang pow packets from Malaysia, please let me know. I can find for u or give it to you if I have any extra If u have any left over can u please give it to me?

    The Giddy Tigress says: Wow…I didn’t know angpow collection could become such a serious hobby… but apparently so. I will definitely keep you in mind if I need any angpow packets. So do you display your collection in a book or something?

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