Snap, crop, arrange..voila!

Three days before the Chinese New Year, I received the finished product of the personal project which I had been working on for months on end. Forty pages of photos of Ethan all captured in a 30cm x 30cm black hardcover-bound photobook, worth every second of the time I had spent laboring over it.

Never mind that I had to redo some of the pages over and over again because I was not completely satisfied with them initially.
Never mind that it took me weeks to finally get in touch with someone from Photobook to iron out the details of the order.
Never mind that I had to upload the photobook file at least four times because they got corrupted every time I did the upload.
Never mind that I had to follow up with Photobook to find out if my order would be able to arrive before Chinese New Year, only to find out that they had already shipped it out two days before my inquiry was made.
Never mind that I had to personally call the courier company to follow up on the status of the shipment, only to be told that they had gone to my house and claimed that no one was around. And never mind that no notice was left to inform me that they had tried to deliver the parcel.
Never mind that my hubby and I had to drive all the way to the courier company to pick up the parcel, because we were only too anxious to see the finished product.
Never mind that we had to wait a further 10-15 minutes before we finally held the parcel in our hands.

Because all this trouble was so worth it. I decided to create a photobook with Ethan’s photos after Jazzmint recommended Photobook over Pixart. At that time, my Pixart project was almost done, but I still took her word for it, and am happy to say that I have never looked back since. Compared to Pixart, I must say that the lamination quality of Photobook’s albums are way better. Just seeing the digital scrapbooking I created come to live on the pages of the photobook is really inspiring. In fact, I am seriously thinking of starting on another one for the next two years culminating with Ethan’s fourth birthday, and hubbs even suggested creating one for our wedding photos too.

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28 Responses to Snap, crop, arrange..voila!

  1. LB says:

    It must be really worth everything! I am sure it looks fabulous!! What an awesome project!! 🙂 Yes, yes, a Wedding Issue!! Including all those Honeymoon kiss kiss moments!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Maybe one for the wedding and one for the honeymoon! *gets photoshop ready*

  2. jazzmint says:

    whoa..nice..u beat me to print it out first

    The Giddy Tigress says: Can’t wait to see yours – like I said, it must look splendid! You’re the sifu maaa…

  3. chinnee says:

    that is so beautiful…..i must try photobook this time :p

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, it’s way nicer than the pixart one.

  4. WS says:

    VERY nice!!! Worth to wait… 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, I think so too. It was a very long wait, by the way.

  5. Paik Ling says:

    well done!! Worth every ounce of effort!!! I had my honeymoon scrap done with Pixart 3 years ago…….that time, that was state-of-the-art technology hahahha

    The Giddy Tigress says: OOoh… show me the honeymoon one!

  6. michelle says:

    Hey bring it in, i wanna see. I am thinking of doing one for my children but I am just so lazy!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, it takes up a lot of time, and I don’t have the luxury to sit down at one go and finish it all. That’s why it took so long. I’ll bring it in for you to have a look.

  7. rinnah says:

    That is simply gorgeous! But I’m not sure I could find enough pretty pix of myself to fill up photobook. Heh. Maybe when I have my engagement / wedding la…

    The Giddy Tigress says: I’ll show it to you when you come to Penang, k? I’m sure you have plenty of pics… engagement? wedding? when???

  8. wen says:

    its really nice la!! i oso wanna do it already!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, I strongly encourage it. You will be so happy with the results, I can guarantee that.

  9. mistipurple says:

    wah, nice piece of work, worth every minute of the wait!
    quick do for the wedding too! sooo romantic!!! and yes, as LB said, all the kissy kissy parts too! hehehe

    The Giddy Tigress says: As soon as I find some time, I’ll start on the wedding one 🙂 yes… with all the kissy kissy mushy mushy bits as well!

  10. Pingback: Ethan Boy · Masterpiece of Love

  11. khongfamily says:

    Woww..very nice lerr! Haii..I still have 27 more pages to go before I can print them out.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh, so you’re in the midst of a project too! I can’t wait to see it – it must surely be nice!

  12. ParisB says:

    Eee… I wonder if my mom will do me something like this for her Big Baby haha… good job GT!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Show her the sample from my blog la 🙂

  13. keeyit says:

    It looks good..
    I have never had my own photo book before since small..

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks! Well, it’s never too late to start one now…

  14. jacss says:

    ahhhhh……i so jealous seeing it, how i wish i will kick my butt doing that for my boys someday !!!
    it was really beautiful & obviously worth all your effort & time! Kudos…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yours will look great! What with the twins’ pictures and all…

  15. Wah! This Photobook so hebat! I must pose for more photos and get one done!

    Happy Valentines Day!
    *throws chocolates and red roses*

    The Giddy Tigress *catches the roses and takes a whiff of them*: Yeah, you have so many equally hebat photos to use too!

  16. ablogaway says:

    Wah, such a big project! It sure looks nice, wish I could see the real one. I’m wondering where you find all the time to do this…

    The Giddy Tigress says: I’ll show it to you when I get the chance. Time? Haha…that’s why I took ages to complete this la…

  17. sharine says:

    Truely a personal masterpiece! I also admire my paper sb album very much and can’t help to flip over again and again… I know how you feel about it! Bravo on the achievement!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, it’s a whole different feeling looking at it in its physical form versus the soft copy.

  18. min says:

    wow..this is awesome!! i make sure i get this for my wedding and baby in future! hehe

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah you should – they make a great keepsake 🙂

  19. may says:

    so, so very cool and pretty! I would love to make a photobook of my trips but aiyo, my laziness always gets the better of me… lol!

    The Giddy Tigress says: If you can find the time, I am sure your photobook would be awesome, judging by the gorgeous photos you take!

  20. huisia says:

    i got one on hold for almost a year, maybe i should have finished it.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, you should. Take your time, I’m sure it will be worth the while.

  21. Suzette says:

    I have been wanting to do that since LOOOONNNNGGGG time ago when Lilian promoted in MMB. But my computer cannot run the file downloaded from Pixart. I now must seriously look at it, maybe curi my hubby’s pc to do this ‘project’. LOL!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Do it in photobook instead. It looks way better than the pixart one.

  22. Jacelyn says:

    wow…lovely photo albums you have! i really hope to have one for my kids….but need a lot of time to explore the software application… lovely if someone else can do the part for me. argh….so lazy ya!

    The Giddy Tigress says: But trust me, you will really be satisfied beyond belief when you see the result.

  23. zara's mama says:

    Wow.. nice.. I have yet to start mine.. I have like 10 books to make! Because I bought the buy 2 free 1 promo in 2007. Die boh?

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh yeah, I know … the Merdeka promo, right? I didn’t get that one, because I didn’t want to be pressured into making those books. Hope there’s no expiry date for the books though.

  24. Hijackqueen says:

    I’m still waiting for their discount. Aiyoh, Zara’s Mama, buy 2 free 1 promo? How can I over look the promo. *stomping madly*

    I find the photobook looks more outstanding with scrapbook hor. Nice leh.

    The Giddy Tigress says: If they offer more promos, I might just buy a few too. Yeah, thanks to Jazzmint, who introduced the concept of putting the digital scrapbooking into the photobook to me 🙂

  25. Pingback: Kaki Shopping » A photobook of memories

  26. Pingback: Little Miracles · Masterpiece of Love

  27. HK Choo says:

    Hi Joyce…I am new to your blog, hopped my way here, now I can’t remember from where I started. I am in awe of this masterpiece of yours, simply amazing. Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

    You are also my inspiration to keep breastfeeding, I’m at the 7 months mark now for my first born princess. 🙂

  28. Pingback: Giddy Tigers » A Photobook Project Ticked Off My List

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