Ohhhh…sweet bag o’mine

I simply love receiving mails. Even better if they are parcels or packages. And last week, I got one all the way from UK. And even though I already knew what it contained, it still didn’t take away the novelty feeling of receiving something in the mail (bills excluded, of course!). I opened the parcel right away, and was immediately stunned at how pretty the Jane Norman bag looked.

Very bling bling, very floral and very girly. Exactly what it looked like in the picture on Zoop’s Life when I entered the contest. It even has a mini detachable pouch included. I immediately went into mental scanning mode and kept in mind which outfit I had that would go well with it. Such was the eagerness which overwhelmed me when I held the bag in my hands. Okay la, I exaggerated a little bit there.

Got this bag simply by entering one of the many contests Zoop’s Life runs. This one required participants to guess the price of a Calvin Klein belt, and no, contrary to what you might be thinking that I googled the price of the belt or somethin’, I actually just *tembaked* the price based on what I remembered a belt like that cost in US when I last saw it. Then I converted it to sterling pounds, and that was it 🙂 I didn’t get the price on the dot though, but my guess of £15.5 was the closest to the answer which was £15. And now I have a new shopping bag! Woohooooo……!!!!! Thank you, Sue! Looking forward to more contests to come!

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5 Responses to Ohhhh…sweet bag o’mine

  1. LB says:

    Waa, more bags!! Girl, you’re going to be so over-flooded in them, but I know that will never be the case!

    The Giddy Tigress says: I need a bag closet, is what I need!

  2. rinnah says:

    Pretty cool looking bag there babe! You’re on a roll with the contest winnings…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hope it rolls and rolls 🙂

  3. Sue says:

    I thought the bag got lost..hehe..glad u got it…Congrats again…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh no la…I received it safe and sound. Just that I didn’t have the time and energy to blog, that’s all 🙂

  4. michelle says:

    and I touched it….:P

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh yes, indeed you did!

  5. Vien says:

    Wei wei..Coach on sale again! Ping me if you are interested.

    The Giddy Tigress says: How often does this sale happen anyway? I don’t think I am allowed another Coach la, since I just had two.

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