A very happy and blessed belated Christmas to one and all out there! It’s a belated Christmas wish because I had wanted to post something before I left for my Christmas vacation, but there was some booboo with my internet connection a week ago which caused me to have no access whatsoever to all of my blogs. Thankfully though, I returned home yesterday evening and joy oh joy, the connection had been restored.
This year, I didn’t have to wrap any presents, because the leasing office for the apartment I am staying in provided complimentary gift-wrapping services, complete with a selection of Christmas wrappers and gift tags. Ain’t that cool?
Though amid all Christmas celebrations, we need to remember first and foremost what Christmas is really all about…
Credits: Elegant word art (love os the Savior) from Bethany
… and I am so grateful that I was able to celebrate it once again this year with my loved ones in a very memorable manner. I’m thankful that despite the adversities life has thrown my way, Christmas still bears the same meaning each and every year, and every time, the meaning grows deeper within my soul.
So…where did my family and I head off to the past week for our Christmas vacation? Well, here’s a glimpse of ONE of the several places we were at:
One word: MAGICAL
Of course, coming home was a sweet experience too, especially when we tucked in to a nice warm dinner in a local Vietnamese joint.
And hey, I must have been a pretty good girl all year through too, ‘cuz I got a nice little surprise from Santa in the mailbox as well.
Santa’s quite telepathic, I’d say, for it’s something I had wanted.
So that was my Christmas in a nutshell post, how was yours?
so it’s time now to wish you a happy new year 2009 instead!
i wish you and your family, peace happiness and joy and be in good health always!
The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks misti!
I spy a RooTote! Welcome to the RooTote club, GT!
The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks Rinnah! And I’m very proud to be a member of the club too!
glad to hear that you had a great Christmas vacation.
the place is nice, i guesses Ethan boy had very great day there. btw, no raining? the sky looked gloomy!
The Giddy Tigress says: Oh it was raining all right!
Santa knows you’ve been a good girl this year
My Christmas was spent in a very un-holiday mood because of work 
The Giddy Tigress says: Awww….don’t feel too bad… look forward to the New Year!
its nice to celebrate xmas in mat salleh place. i stil cant figure out what was ur xmas present. wats that? how r u and bb doing, btw?
The Giddy Tigress says: Hehe…My Christmas present is just to be with all my loved ones at Christmas!
Baby and mommy is doing very well, thank you.
Wishing you & your family a Blessed New Year.
May your lives be filled with happiness & good health always.
The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks Jem – always nice to hear kind words from you.
Looks like you had a great Xmas! Wishing you all including the new baby, a wonderful new year ahead
The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks Paik Ling, and the same goes to you and your family too!
Woohoo! That looks like an awesome vacation and some lovely gifts!
Happy New Year!
The Giddy Tigress says: They were! Thanks PB and Happy New Year to you too!
I am spot on about your vacation! Have a belated blessed Christmas and a great new year.
The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks, and the same goes to you too!
happy new year giddy tigress, its been another superb year knowing you and sharing parts of my life on the blogosphere with u!
The Giddy Tigress says: Likewise Ehon, and I wish you a splendid year ahead too!
Nice to see you had a good Christmas
We had a simple one with the family which was fun and funny thanks to the kids LOL
Let us know how you’re doing ok?
Also wanted to invite Ethan and you to join the Read-A-Book-A-Month Challenge
Happy 2009!!!
The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks for the invite! And Happy New Year to you and your family!
One word sums up my Christmas — boring. I was literally stuck in my dorm.
Happy 2009!!!
The Giddy Tigress says: That’s too bad, but still it’s the New Year now, and here’s hoping you have a good one!