The pinks and the oranges

Without a warning of any kind, I suddenly realized that beautiful cherry blossoms were in full bloom everywhere! With the weather still kinda erratic, sometimes warm and sometimes chilly, watching these beautiful pink blooms proudly displaying their colors was indeed a sight to behold.  Sorta brings a warmth sensation to the heart…

It has been some weeks now that I have watched these flowers in awe, and yesterday, I managed to get some pictures for my own satisfaction.  Not a simple feat, mind you…for surprise surprise, there were no cherry blossom trees in my apartment compound.

So I took a drive someplace nearby to get a good view…

How nice it would have been to have been able to use these beautiful flowers to adorn the home for Chinese New Year!  These are such a far cry from the fakish twiggish-like decorations we often see in the shopping malls.  These is the real thing! … and is an indication that spring is not too far off…or…has it sprung already?

Oh, and did I mention that there is an orange orchard just beside my apartment?  I kid you not.  For the life of me, I have NEVER seen an orange tree in real life before, and this was a full-blown orchard!  The oranges remained on the trees the whole of winter and now in spring too…


Couldn’t get a closer picture because the orchard is fenced up as private property.  Besides, it would look *really* strange if someone were to spot an extremely pregnant woman attempting to climb the fence, right?

But man…. the fragrance of the oranges is just intoxicating!  I tell ya, I can even smell it just driving past the orchard.


And nooo…just in case you thought I plucked these from the orchard…I didn’t… they sell it in the supermarkets you know? 😛

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10 Responses to The pinks and the oranges

  1. Tine says:

    The cherry blossom’s just gorgeous. The photos you took reminded me of when I was in Japan, taking in the beautiful blooming of the sakura during a hanami (sakura-viewing party). Beautiful, just beautiful 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Wow…do you do anything besides looking at sakura during the party?

  2. PB says:

    Ooh i wanna see cherry blossoms too!!! And orange trees. No i don’t think they recommend pregnant women climbing fences 😉

    The Giddy Tigress says: I am so intrigued by the blossoms and the orange trees too!

  3. simon says:

    very beautiful! i’ve seen an orange tree in cameron’s but its nothing like this one.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Funny though…I don’t remember seeing any orange trees in Cameron Highlands…then again, I have not been there in ages!

  4. wen says:

    so beautiful. can go around by yourself to take photos. wish malaysia has CA’s season

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, the view sometimes just takes my breath away!

  5. jemima says:

    WOW! Absolutely Beautiful!!!

    For a moment I thought you’ve flown to Japan. 😆

    The Giddy Tigress says: LOL! I don’t think flying is recommended for pregnant women at my stage of pregnancy!

  6. Irene says:

    so so so oh so pretty 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thank you! I think so too!

  7. rachel says:

    oooo the cheery bloosom trees look so pretty!!!!! & the orange orchard…that so many oranges there…..

    The Giddy Tigress says: Makes you tempted to pluck a few oranges to eat huh?

  8. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful! You and baby will look beautiful every day just looking at such beautiful things!

    An orange orchard sounds fun.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks eastcoastlife! 🙂

  9. KittyCat says:

    You’re really lucky to experience the four seasons in US – one of the most beautiful places in the world, I hear.

    Not affected by the drought? I just heard Sen. Arnie announce a possible water rationing.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, there’s a drought problem here. That’s why we need to watch out usage of water diligently.

  10. zara's mama says:

    So beautiful!!
    And Spring started early at the Bay Area huh?

    The Giddy Tigress says: It certainly appears that way 🙂

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