An award with 10 things!

Elegant word art (tag) from Bethany
Flutter Friday Freebie Paper 1 from Karen Lewis Designs of Digital Freebies

I received Cute’s Blogger Award from Wen recently, and well, it didn’t exactly require me to dress up to the nines and give an acceptance speech like what those Academy Award Winners had to do last weekend, but this award is actually a TAG in disguise.


1. Copy Badge “2008 Cute’s Blogger Award” and put it on your blog.

2. Link or tell a bit about the person who gave you the award.

3. Each one of you who receive this award must list down 10 facts / hobbies about yourself.

4. Pass this award to 10 bloggers and link them in your blog.


About Wen

I have not personally met her before, but I can tell from her blog that she is a fun-loving stay-at-home-momma to two adorable kids.  Also, she knows very well how to enjoy life to the fullest! 🙂

Would love to meet her someday…

10 facts/hobbies about the Giddy Tigress

  1. I am obsessed with cleaning up the dirty plates and bowls as I cook.  I cannot stand seeing the sink full to the brim with dirty dishes.
  2. I am easily tempted by shopping bargains, especially online shopping with special promos and discounts.  Just gimme an PC and watch while I get those cool and awesome bargains!
  3. I hardly wear any lipstick.  Lip balm, yes … but I don’t so lipsticks that often because I don’t like the lipstains they leave on glasses and mugs. 
  4. My current favorite shows on TV are (in random order) American Idol, Grey’s Anatomy, old reruns of Friends and (due to hubby’s influence) Jon & Kate Plus 8.
  5. I am a contest freak.  I will take part in contests and giveaways as long as I see the need for the prize they are offering.  In addition to entering contests, I have also recently started organizing my own giveaways on my shopping blog.  Check out the current one I have running.
  6. I like to eat Korean instant noodles.
  7. I wash my hair every day.  I need to.
  8. I have discovered, much to my amusement, that I can and HAVE survived for almost 5 months now without the need to use a cellphone!
  9. I love (sinful but ohsogood) whipped cream with anything at all!
  10. I think I can sometimes be overly-emotional.

I won’t be passing this tag to anyone in particular, but do feel free to use it, yeah?

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2 Responses to An award with 10 things!

  1. wen says:

    contest freak? hmm.. i shall go to ur kakishopping now!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yup, quick go and submit your entry! 🙂

  2. oi… your baby still enjoying Mommy’s warmth. 😀
    I’m still waiting to see this little one.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, babe is still getting comfy inside… hehehe

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