Overflowing photo bucket

Okay, stop hitting F5 on your keyboard.  It ain’t  your PC’s problem you’re not seeing images on all my blogs. 😛

Five days ago I was given a warning:

Then this morning, this email alert appeared in my inbox:

Ooops!  Looks like all the photobucket-hosted pictures on my blog will not be viewable till April 2nd. 

I am definitely not gonna upgrade to a Photobucket Pro account, not even with the TrialPay option because that requires me to sign up for something else extra before the free upgrade can take place (a case of GOT strings attached, kapish?).

But you know what?  In a way, I am kinda honored that my blogs have garnered enough traffic to exceed my Photobucket monthly bandwidth.  So THANKS everyone!  Meanwhile, please come back again April 2nd to see all my previous pictures now, will ya? 

So where am I uploading my photos to now?  To my web hosting server of course! 🙂

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6 Responses to Overflowing photo bucket

  1. Pink Cotton says:

    *waiting for april 2nd with popcorn in hand* 😀

    The Giddy Tigress says: I hope the wait was worthwhile! 🙂

  2. PB says:

    Haha… it happens to me too. I just set up another account 😛 But I’ve started using my webhost too for my other blog. I don’t know how much resources I’m going to use up but it makes the pictures load much faster.

    The Giddy Tigress says: I have been using my webhost server now too!

  3. michelle says:

    Maybe you should size your pics to a smaller resolution. 5G is a lot of bandwidth, maybe someone is spamming your blog :P.

    The Giddy Tigress says: It’s the monthly bandwidth that’s causing the problem. The total disk space is more than enough (for now).

  4. simon says:

    i had the same prob, then i moved to flickr. they also have a limit, but better than photobucket.

    The Giddy Tigress says: I wanted to used flickr last time, but in the end I didn’t. I just found photobucket’s GUI easier to work with, but thanks for the tip!

  5. Susan says:

    I always compress all my photos b4 posting them. Save space and load much faster.
    Of course quality wise, kena compromise la :p
    Tat’s the reason why my photos always appear lousy (excuse! excuse!)

    The Giddy Tigress says: I compress them too, but I also am vain and want my pics to look good!

  6. sasha says:

    i got the same email but i didn’t bother to read. hehe

    The Giddy Tigress says: No wonder sometimes your site has the “Bandwidth exceeded” message!

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