Things gonna go my way

Like a typical sinusoidal graph that has its ups and downs, life’s experiences takes us on exciting journeys now and then.  But with every plunge into a dark ravine, we all pray that the ascent upwards towards better things is not far off.

On Friday afternoon, when I saw these gorgeous blooms right outside my apartment, I knew it was a sign that GOOD things would come my way during the weekend.

…and I was right!!! 🙂

My family and I had a splendid and fulfilling American lunch on Saturday.  Believe it or not, this was the first time I had had an authentic American meal since I relocated here more than 6 months ago. We went to Applebee’s where they had the 2 for $20 deal (2 entrées + 1 appetizer for $20).


My parents shared one set, while my hubby and I shared another.  And everything was super delicious!

From the mozzarella sticks and boneless buffalo wings appetizers served with yummy ranch dressing down to the riblet basket, the steak and the fries, we thoroughly stuffed ourselves to the brim!  The photos of the ribs and buffalo wings don’t do them justice though…they certainly DO NOT taste as horrible as they look!

After lunch, we headed to the Gilroy Premium Outlets, where I managed to get TWO items I had been yearning for:

Item 1: Levi’s 501 in *most wanted* color

My hubby and I had been looking for this particular color of 501’s for the longest time.  We have seen it on sale a few times before, but we have never found our sizes available.  So when I saw the 501’s on sale for USD29.99, and I found the very color we wanted in my size, I could hardly believe it!  In fact, I don’t even know how to describe this color – it’s like a destructed washed dark blue, with a tinge of yellow and green, plus it has some *worn* parts which were put there on purpose.

Hubbs and I each got ourselves a pair, but unfortunately I can’t fit into mine yet 🙁

I’m giving myself a few more months…but this new pair is definitely inspiration for me to get into them soon! 🙂

Item 2: A brand new Coach!

I’ll be honest.  I had no intention of getting a Coach bag that day.  I had been into the Coach factory outlet before, and I did not really fancy the designs there then.

But that Saturday, I stepped in anyway, despite the long queue of people waiting to be let into the store.  Most of the items were on sale for 40-50% off the tagged price.  I weaved my way through the store pushing my baby stroller, and then suddenly I saw it: the little shoulder bag from the recent exclusive Coach Resort collection!

… and it was on SALE at a discount of 50% off the tagged price, which was already more than 50% off the retail price.


I was torn between getting the shiny black one or the pink one (Punch), but in the end I chose the one in Punch, because it looked so stunning against my black coat.  Plus, I did not own a pink bag 😛

This set me back USD54.99, when the original retail price was USD238.00.

Yes, I still can’t stop smiling.


This entry was posted in Drooling & Cooking, Relax & Celebrate, The Fairer Sex. Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to Things gonna go my way

  1. PB says:

    Looks like things are certainly going your way! I LOVE that Coach (It was the only one of the season I liked and you got it!) and I LOVE the price even more! Can tumpang ah? 😛

    The Giddy Tigress says: Of course can tumpang! Don’t you just love the material of that Coach? 🙂

  2. Rachel says:

    gosh..applebees are still around? it used to my weekend dining last time while studying..

    and now..u r reminding me of those factory outlets….. envy envy.. i love your coach.. 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yep, Applebees is still around. Great food there.

  3. familyfirst says:

    Never been to US. Gosh what am I missing! I love western countries and all those factory outlets! How come here in Malaysia we dont have such good deals!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, Malaysian *factory outlets* don’t carry these splendid offers eh? 🙂

  4. beetrice says:

    eeeeeekkkss!! Coach!! 😀 definitely a great steal, and loving the colour even though pink isn’t my thing…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hehe, I know what you mean Bee! Pink isn’t what I normally go for too, but this was way too yummy to resist!

  5. Irene says:

    whoa, the food looks good.. and your pics… nice!!!! and coach, need i say more? haha…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Great huh? 🙂

  6. Paik Ling says:

    Ooohhh I love Applebees too. I always say TGIF and Chillis’ are poor copycat versions of Applebees. Did you try their sizzling apple pie? *droooooooollll*

    Great bargains – you deserve them!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh yeah, no WONDER the decor and menu looked suspiciously familiar! I have not tried the sizzling apple pie, but I did consider ordering the cheesecake!

  7. rinnah says:

    Ohhh! I wish we had factory outlets in Malaysia!

    The Giddy Tigress says: So do I!

  8. Tine says:

    I just adore the Coach outlet at Gilroy. I swear, if I live in California, I’ll go there every weekend. I came out of the store with two bags, and that took every ounce of perseverance I had that day. I remembered the sales assistant kept taking out bag after bag for me, excitedly telling me that each was less than US$100 😛

    The Giddy Tigress says: I know! It’ll hit even the most stubborn shopper I tell ya…I’m still dreaming of going back there!

  9. wen says:

    brand new baby, brand new jeans, brand new bag, everything new ah!! 🙂

  10. mott says:

    Spring has sprung!!!
    Your mama looks real good here!

  11. jemima says:

    Are you sure you wanna come back to live in M’sia? 😛

  12. KittyCat says:

    Wow…that Coach bag is a real steal! Are you going again? I’ve always dreamed of buying a Coach handbag but could never bring myself to pay THAT much…

    Beautiful blooms 🙂

  13. jacss says:

    geeee… envy, what a good day u had !!! it would be nice to get an uncommon colored bag at such good bargain!! i can’t believe u hv d guts to buy a size that u can tug in yet, kudos….i never trust myself to do that, LOL!!!

  14. jacss says:

    ooppps…i had wanted to mean u CAN’T tugged in yet….hehe

  15. michelle says:

    You never stop pampering yourself. 😛 Now how many coach bags do you have.

  16. sasha says:

    flowers, jeans, food, and also handbags! wuah… happy!

  17. Hijackqueen says:

    Shopping in US is like heaven! You are going to miss that when you come back.

  18. zara's mama says:

    Wow… 15mins, and the photos not launched yet.

    You don’t resize your photos when you post?

    I wanted to see your jeans.. but really.. too long a wait.

  19. me so doh doh. Brother and SIL came back from Miami last week also I NEVER thought to get him to get some for me, although my sisters did… duhhhhhh…

    that aside, love the jeans and the pink coach !!

  20. Molly says:

    Hi! I’m contemplating buying this bag online and can I ask you a question about it? Is this a non-structured bag? Meaning when a lot things are put into it, will it lose its shape? Hope you can help me here! Thanks ever so much! :)))

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hi Molly, well yeah, it’s kind of a non-structured bag, but to tell you the truth, you can’t really put much into it. It’s really quite small and dainty, if you ask me.

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