Not that I have been keeping count… 😛
It just occurred to me that it has been just over two months that I had assumed the role of SAHM, Home Project Manager, if you may. Not an easy task, mind you, and absolutely nothing to do with the kind of project management work I used to do when I was working, multi-tasking aside.
I realize how quickly time flies when I am kept busy. In fact, I had hardly noticed it, but it will soon be time for us to leave this place in San Jose we had called home for the past 9 months.
I have been asked many questions, all of which I will attempt to answer now, in an FAQ kind of manner 🙂
Aren’t you bored, staying at home all day?
How can I be, when I have so MANY things to do? Hannah keeps me occupied most of the time, then I have to plan what to cook, and how to cook it. I have to clean and of course, for entertainment, I watch TV and/or surf the internet. And for the past month or so, I have busied myself with packing lists and stuff related to packing. So no, I am definitely not bored. In fact, I can go take a walk in the park outside too, if I had wanted to.
You really look happier nowadays. Why?
Cuz I am happier. And I am happy that it shows. It really means a lot to me that what I do keeps me sane and happy. And I am happy to share my joy with all my loved ones.
No ridiculous pressures from work, I am faced with just the adorable giggles and lovely squeals from an innocent baby, the cheeky antics from a toddler and all the support from the man I love. What’s there not to be happy about?
What do you do at home?
See #1.
Don’t you run out of things to cook?
Oh yeah I do. But I see it as a way I can create new recipes with the stuff I have. Some concoctions I have made up actually go down really well with my kid. Nothing makes me happier than to see joyful hungry faces wolfing down food I have cooked with love and care.
What are your plans when you get back home to Penang?
My family is the most important thing to me. I will be focusing on them first and foremost, especially finding a good daycare for Ethan. And then I will need to settle into a workable routine that allows me to care for them in the best way possible.
Definitely no demanding users there…;)
The Giddy Tigress says: My *users* are all so sweet, cheeky, chubby now… 🙂
Sounds like you’re having a great time as Home Project Manager… Good for you!
The Giddy Tigress says: I really am. And I strongly urge every mom to do it too 🙂
once landed on la-la land must announce loud-loud hor. Why no update on the sweetie?
The Giddy Tigress says: My sweetie’s updates all in my Little Miracles blog ma.
Agree… it’s more challenging and interesting as a SAHM plus it will somehow “force” your creative juice to flow in everything you do! Guess u get what I mean huh?