Two Weeks to EDD

Today marks the completion of my 38th week of pregnancy.  We’ve all randomly put in our guesses on what day exactly baby will decide to say hello to the world, but who’s to say who’ll get it right, eh? 🙂

I’m not “nesting” as much as I’d expected, because at the back of my mind, I keep telling myself the most important thing now is to rest whenever I can because I have to be on call 24/7 when baby arrives.

As you can see, all the cloth diapers are laundered and folded nicely in the chest of drawers.  Passed from Ethan and then to Hannah and now to their soon-to-be-sibling, these cloth diapers are truly the ultimate and perfect hand-me-downs! 🙂

On the weather front, it’s certainly apparent that spring has decided to sleep in a little while longer.  We had another blizzard over the weekend, albeit not as big as Nemo, but it still left us with a snow-filled surrounding, just like a winter wonderland.


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3 Responses to Two Weeks to EDD

  1. Joey says:

    Zeng zeng zeng…it’s anytime now! Can’t wait to see your little precious 😉

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, neither can we.. 🙂

  2. ablogaway says:

    Wish you a safe & smooth delivery, dear. Take care 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thank you! 😀

  3. Misza says:

    Hi Giddy Tigress,
    Congratulations for the new baby, Emma.
    I am currently planning to cloth diapering my coming baby. Came across your great blog and been hooked since then. Loves the way you write about your kids and your daily routine esp on the baking and cooking *yummy, yummy*:)
    I read this entry and wondering how many cloth diapers should we start with, especially for the beginner. Also, based on your wide experienced using cloth diaper for your kids, any particular brand that you’ll recommend for the kick-start?
    Sorry for the long comment here.
    Hope you don’t mind. Thanks very much 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hi Misza, thanks for reading my blog and for dropping a note here. Congratulations too, on the future arrival of your newborn baby 🙂 I will email you with the information you have asked me.

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