Over the past 12 months, so many things have happened. So many ups and downs, so many learning experiences and so many moments to cherish. There were also “less than happy” moments, but the optimist in me chooses to brush those aside.
Here’s a customary quick rundown before we herald in the new year of 2015.
- I made a firm friendship with a fellow stay-at-home-mom, with whom I found I had so many things in common. Our kids get along so well together and our interests are so similar, it almost feels like we are sister soulmates. You know who you are, and I cherish our friendship to no end. Thank you for being there for me this year. *hugs*
- I have learnt to manage taking care of 3 kids throughout the day. Taking baby with me in and out of the house several times a day for school runs and other errands is a skill on its own.
- This year, “life began for me”, or so that’s what most people have been led to believe. I don’t yet know what the future holds, but I pray that it will be a launchpad for a successful future ahead.
- I found a little hobby that I churned into my little home business. With Petit Gems, I now can make accessories for my little girls and myself, while selling some of them off too. Makes me so happy when friends tell me how much they love my creations.
- I started on my little garden this year. I have some plants in my roof garden, and a few more in the balcony. I have only been successful thus far harvesting spring onions, screwpine leaves (daun pandan) and really really tiny carrots, but it’s a good start for a non-green-finger person like me. My flowering plants have been doing well though. Throughout the process of greening my fingers, I have learnt so many things from germinating seeds to making my own natural fertilisers to making my own natural insect repellents. Awesome stuff.
- I’d like to think that I have been making a conscious effort to eat more healthily. Not necessarily organic produce though, because who knows how “organic” they are when you purchase them from the stores, yes? I’ve been taking more fresh fruit (whole or in juices), more vegetables and cutting down on dairy and red meat when I can.
- In the last quarter of the year, I found the cure for my eczema. The products I took (and am still taking) are natural, healthy and safe, and rejuvenates and nourishes my body from within. Expelling the toxins that are the root cause of my eczema problems in the first place, and thereafter regenerating fresh new cells to replace the old damaged ones. The solution is so simple, and yet it took me so many years to discover it. All I can say is I wished I had found these products sooner.
- I’ve been making good use of my kitchen. Wish I had more opportunities to do so, but perhaps in the coming year. I was deprived on some occasions by my painful eczema hands, but since that is a problem of the past, I hope to bake and cook more.
- I learnt to look past failures and disappointments and use them as learning examples.
- I learnt that not everyone I thought I could trust would return that same trust, and that sometimes even the mere stranger can be more responsible than someone I have known for years.
- I learnt to live, love and sometimes to just let go.
For the coming year, my immediate goal and resolution is to cultivate more patience and tolerance, and try to make some time for myself. And also, a bonus goal to be more frugal and save more.
Happy New Year 2015, folks! Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!