I seriously need my Heroes fix. For the past couple of weeks, my hubby and I have been overdosing (and loving it) on Heroes. We’ve now completed all 18 episodes (Seasons 1 and 2) and are eagerly awaiting the upcoming Season 3. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna give any spoilers…. SO…. because I have been bored these few days with no Heroes and all, I was thrilled when I stumbled upon this Heroes Personality Test… okay okay, I googled for it. Haha.
So the Heroes personality that I most resemble is…….
Peter Petrelli
You scored 54 Idealism, 70 Nonconformity, 25 Nerdiness |
Do you ever… get the feeling that you were meant to do something extraordinary?Congratulations, you’re Peter Petrelli! You are a compassionate, idealistic person, which is great. You’re searching for your identity and purpose in life, and you have a strong desire to be special, and do something great for the world. You’re a bit on the emo side, but you have the best of intentions. Your best quality: Empathy Your worst quality: EMO

You scored higher than 52% on Idealism |
You scored higher than 97% on Nonconformity |
You scored higher than 15% on Nerdiness |
So, which Heroes personality do you resemble?…Should I start a TAG….hehehe….. A tag that is only ‘Heroes”-addicts. So far I only know one Heroes addict in the Bloggersphere…. my hubby is one too, but he doesn’t blog (yet)…. so this tag is for the Simple American. The rest of you, if you are interested, tag yourself la, and let me know 🙂
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Got me!
And I oh so need a Heroes infusion!!!!
I think we get new episodes in April. Please network. I cannot wait. kekeke
The Giddy Tiger says: April is but a couple of days away…. *drumming fingers in anticipation*
I have tagged you also. But I don’t think you will mind this one.
The Giddy Tiger says: Got it 🙂 Will look into it real soon, yeah?
Tag complete!
The Giddy Tiger says: Well done SA, aka Mohinder Suresh…
ah… Heroes is nice… too bad i dont have astro…i only manage to watch 3 epi when im at my friend’s house (big fans of heroes) she been telling me how nice and bla bla and asked me to watch and tada im addicted to it, i went back to penang and stick on the tv for heroes, and i downloaded epi 18 hahaha
The Giddy Tiger says: You’re right – Heroes is really addictive. I never thought I could get hooked on it like I am.
I did the test and it says:
Nathan Petrelli
You scored 16 Idealism, 20 Nonconformity, 37 Nerdiness
I’m a shark, Pete.
Congratulaions, you’re Nathan Petrelli! You’ve got all the qualities of a stereotypical politician. You’re ambitious, practical, and you’ve got more than a healthy sex drive. Still, as much you want to succeed in your field, you don’t enjoy the attention that comes from being “different”, and you are willing to lie to fit the image you want to present.
Your worst quality: Ambition–you will make your way to the top of any career.
Your worst quality: Anything for the votes–you will do whatever it takes.
The Giddy Tiger says: Great going bro a.k.a. The Flying Man 😛