In the comfort of my home

Nowadays, most of my everyday transactions are done online.  If there is a bill to be paid, the first question I would ask is “Can pay online ah?”.  Most banks offer a range of services to encourage laziness in people because they get to run their errands online.  In spite of this, I am surprised that there are still some people who are skeptical on online transactions.  I still meet people who are shocked when I tell them I purchased most of my baby products online… and from US sites too! 

Out of all my bills, only my water bill is paid non-online.  I wish my bank would incorporate PBA as one of its online merchants soon.  It’s so frustrating to have to make a trip to the post office to pay my water bill every month.  It would certainly save me a lot of time and petrol if I could pay online.  I remember waiting in line for up to 30 minutes just to pay my assessment bill previously, but now I can do it all with the click of a mouse.  And the receipt is sent to me in a couple of weeks.  So yes, it is definitely in my wish list to have the water bill payment available online. 

And guess what? Another thing we can do online now is renew our driving license!  See the LESEN MATI ad on my site courtesy of Nuffnang? Up till last week, I thought that driving license renewal can only be done in the Road Transport Departments and post office.  I only renew mine every 5 years, so it’s really not a hassle to go there, but one MUST remember to dress decently when one goes to the RTD(JPJ).  No slippers, singlets, shorts or tankinis 😛 – Once, I was forbidden to enter the JPJ because I was wearing a tank top.  Luckily Mom was with me, and she did the renewal for me.  So now if I really feel like wearing just t-shirt and shorts, I can simply do my renewal online… and they even deliver to your doorstep, for a small fee of course!  Very soon, I won’t even have to leave my house… except for shopping, of course! 🙂

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One Response to In the comfort of my home

  1. They don’t let you go in because of a tank top? Jeez. You could sue them over here. Different world, ya?

    I like paying online. Don’t have to write all those checks out. No one misreading my poor handwriting. Online is great. 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, we weren’t supposed to take our driver’s license dressed *indecently* either… me too, paying online beats everything!

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