Some years ago, my ex-coworker and I took a few fun tests from this website. I recently googled for it again and today, I finally took one of the tests. It’s the Un-telligence Test, but despite its similarity in name to the word Intelligence, Un-telligence is not a measure of one’s intelligence. Instead it is a measure of one’s ability to reason in tough situations. Check it out here and also my level of un-telligence below:
The results are in! You are…
67% Untelligent!
Your score is close to the current worldwide average of 63%.
Your score is unique, however, so keep reading.
Score Breakdown…
Intelligence | |
Sense of Humor | |
Violent Tendencies | |
Bravery | |
Observational Skills | |
Morality | |
Self-Confidence |
Here is the custom report of your personality than led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are a moderate but excitingly differentgraph.xcf woman:
“ The subject shows an astounding level of intelligence, and her sense of observation is one of her best qualities. Considering this, she shows a lot of potential, but that’s only part of the equation.
Also, as much as we hate violence, an occasional mauling is one way to solve day-to-day problems like unpleasant coworkers or pesky door-to-door salesmen. She just isn’t tough enough, sir, and avoids any situation that involves violence.
Finally, the subject displayed a pathetic and useless (seriously bad) sense of humor, a nearly satanic lack of morality, and a complete lack of self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals. “
Wah, this is scary: “a nearly satanic lack of morality” when in tough situations eh? I dare not take the test loh…scared I will be satan himself! LOL!
Your giddy missus says: So you don’t wanna mess with me, yeah? 😛
hehe…women always good in observation.
The Giddy Tiger says: I agree..that’s why we have “women’s instinct” 😉
Hey, that’s not too bad at all… Not that I am gonna subject myself to the test though. I have a fear of needles and pumps and those evil looking pliers… Go, MANCHESTER UNITED!! sorry, couldn’t resist..
The Giddy Tiger says: No needles and prickly stuff, I promise!
Some how I doubt this is you all the way. The morality seems very skewed and you being a Christian woman I don’t buy that a bit.
The intelligence bit has to be true though. You have impressed me at least with your ability to research. I’m still fainting from your high test score. You must have a super memory that does not forget a thing.
The Giddy Tiger says: The tests this site hosts is peculiarly strange somewhat, question-wise. It *forces* you to answer some of the questions, if you know what I mean. Glad to know that you know I don’t fall along those lines of morality… hehe…
I did the test and I got exactly the same custom report for you though the bar charts are different.
Makes me wonder about the “accuracy” of this test.
The Giddy Tiger says: Hmmm….maybe we are both equally un-telligent? 😉