Reflections on Father’s Day

A Father…

~ beams with pride when his baby grabs hold of his finger ever so tightly.  A grasp that seems to say “Daddy, don’t ever leave me!”

~ goes out of his way to get his child that box of color pencils she asked for for her birthday.  A daughter’s smile will make Daddy’s day, anytime.

~ gives his child a hug and soothes away the pain of a tummy ache.  Nothing beats the comfort of Dad’s embrace.

~ prays with the family and guides us to follow God’s Word.

~ shows his child how to solve a complicated Mathematics question in the simplest manner possible. 

~ offers his arm when his daughter takes that walk down the aisle.  An loving nudge in the right direction for the beautiful journey she was about to embark on.

~ is always there to listen to his children, no matter how busy he is.

~ is the calm in the midst of a storm.

~ is why Father’s Day is celebrated.

…and deep deep down, every woman is still Daddy’s little girl…..

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7 Responses to Reflections on Father’s Day

  1. ParisB says:

    Aww…. 🙂 You are right. We are all Daddy’s little girls 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Hehe – glad you agree…

  2. rinnah says:

    Happy Father’s Day to GT’s Dad! (since I already wished Pete at Ethan Boy’s blog…)

    I am such a Daddy’s little girl too! I wonder if he’ll bawl when I walk down the aisle? *grin & wink*

    The Giddy Tiger says: Thanks Rinnah!…And it shows that you’re Daddy’s little girl!

  3. chinnee says:

    so sweet your words 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Thank you!

  4. LB says:

    Got me thinkingabout how much more common and true it is to have Daddie’s Little Girl, and Mommie’s Little Boy…

    The Giddy Tiger says: You got that right! 🙂

  5. may says:

    Happy Father’s Day to your dad, and all dads!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Thanks May!

  6. Pinkelle says:

    Aww…that got me thinking about what a Daddy’s girl I am! 🙂 I guess in our daddies eyes, we’ll always be their little girls despite how old we are or independent we proclaim to be!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Spot on, Pinkelle! 😀

  7. Happy Fathers Day to your Dad. He is so lucky to have you for his daughter. 🙂

    And a Happy Fathers Day to your hubby too. First one hor?

    The Giddy Tiger says: Thanks! 😀 It’s my hubby’s second Father’s Day! 😀

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