It’s heartwarming to know that I am loved… or rather my BLOG is loved! I received this lover-ly award from Angeleyes just yesterday and was told to spread this love slooowwwwllllyyyyyy…….(2 blogs at a time was the rule). Angeleyes was one of the first commentors on my humble blog, and I am pleased that I have had the opportunity to meet her once before, where else but in Queensbay Mall. That number would soon tally a grand TWO, because we are planning another meetup soon.
Thanks for the award, Angeleyes!
I’m spreading the LURVE-bug to:
That was fast! LOL
So, I am the first few to comment??? wah I did not know that wor!
The Giddy Tiger says: The easy tags get done faster!
You lup me! You really do! Waaaaaaa…..
*hou luum as ah boy would say*
The Giddy Tiger says: It shows, doesn’t it?
I lup lup them too!!
The Giddy Tiger says: Lup lup me do!
I wish I could have added my whole blog roll. I probably should have. Your blog certainly belonged there. *hugs*
The Giddy Tiger says: Awww… thanks! That is SO sweet!