I know what I did this Raya

We had a 4-day extended weekend break for the Hari Raya holidays. I’m back at work today, wondering where that holiday had escaped to. It only seemed like yesterday that I was happily packing up after work on Friday evening, and then heading for home in a cheerful mood, preparing to pack my clothes for a short holiday to my hometown in Ipoh and also a visit to the country’s capital, KL.

  • We Woollied
    In Ipoh, we had originally intended to satisfy our craving for the famous Lou Wong Nga-choy kai (bean sprouts and chicken) by having dinner there. But the crowd in the restaurant was standing room only and as we drove past, it became apparent to us that we would have to postpone the nga-choy kai dinner to another day. Instead we ended up having dinner in Woolley Center. I was amazed at the vast transformation that had befallen the food court that held many a childhood memory for me. 

  • We Crowned
    On Sunday, we headed for KL after lunch and checked into the Crowne Plaza Mutiara KL, after some (ahem) experienced navigating and driving around the Bukit Bintang and Jalan Sultan Ismail area. The hotel was splendid, a glorious wedding anniversary present (in advance) from Mom and Dad. Right smack in the middle of town, we knew we were going to be staying in the midst of a shopping haven, as the newly-opened Pavilion was just a stone’s throw away. Food in the hotel was good too, as was apparent from the buffet breakfast we had. So good, that I only *remembered* to take a picture of the teochew porridge….Of course, it certainly helped that the coffee house was tastefully decorated too.

  • We Italiannied
    In any case, our initial plan of having dinner on Sunday night at the Pavilion did not materialize, although it was a good excuse anyway to call Rinnah and Paris a couple of hours before then. Instead, dinner was at another shopping mall: The Gardens. We didn’t need to go to The Curve to get good Italian food, because we could get it at The Gardens.

Because the outlet was still new, we were given complimentary appetizers comprising lasagna and garlic bread. Some of us preferred the default plain bread they normally served, but whatever.  They just replaced it in the blink of an eye.  We ordered the fried calamari, pizza and salmon fettucine, and mentally we prepared ourselves for the dessert that was to come too. Oh, by the way, the strawberry cheesecake and creme brulee at Italiannies were so heavenly and sinfully good, I’m still craving for it now. Gosh. Don’t think any other cheesecake could even come close to it…

We *Dove* Underwater
We visited the Aquaria, where the queue was SO long when we arrived. I just don’t know what the management was thinking. They only had two counters open to cater for the large crowd! Imagine if a tourist were to visit the Aquaria on their first sight-seeing trip in Malaysia, what a bad impression that would have made! So much for Visit Malaysia Year 2007, huh? Perhaps it is time the Aquaria implemented online ticketing. But anyway, after a wait of about half an hour, we finally got our tickets. I must add that the ticketing officer wasn’t at all pleasant too, to begin with.


In comparison to Singapore’s Underwater World, the Aquaria had less fishes but more turtles. The tunnel, which was really the highlight of my Singapore Underwater World experience, failed to deliver this time around in the Aquaria. We did manage to get some pictures of our trip though…

We Sushied and Sashimied
Anyway, I forgot to mention that this is the view that greeted us at the back of our hotel:

…and yes, of course, we were tempted to go for buffet lunch there. Unfortunately, because of the long wait at the Aquaria, when we arrived at Saisaki, it was already 2:10p.m. and the buffet spread would be cleared at 2:30p.m.! In fact, they were already on their “last call” when we arrived. Dang. The Aquaria queue caused us our Saisaki buffet lunch 🙁 So scratch that plan. We made our way to Pavilion instead and had our Japanese fix there.

I had wanted to get some J.Co Donuts too while I was at the Pavilion, but the long queue put me off. What is it about queues and holidays anyway?

  • We Jammed
    On the way back to Penang, we were stuck in traffic jams. In fact both sides of the highway were jam-packed with cars rushing back home after the Raya break. Inching our way forward for about 45 minutes for about 3 km before the Jelapang toll booth, and then again before reaching the Juru toll booth, we thought we saw the last of it, but we had to endure one final jam at the Penang bridge.

Tiring? You bet. But it was worth all the fun we had. I look forward to the next holiday in all excitement.

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20 Responses to I know what I did this Raya

  1. Jacelyn says:

    wow, i didn’t know that ipoh wolley park has changed its new look. me so outdated ya…

    i tag u here…check it out.


    The Giddy Tiger says: Thanks for the tag – will do it soon. And yes, Woolley has certainly changed a lot.

  2. LB says:

    Yeah, truly me too ~ That Woolley thing just didn’t do it for me whenever I wanted to eat out at Ipoh Gdn’s foodcourts.. so I didn’t. Maybe it wasn’t as bad inside as it looked from the outside.

    These are ALL wonderful pictures, Giddy! Love them all! Fab.. Well done on the photography and the Graphics! Nice nice nice! *pats back*

    The Giddy Tiger says: The curry mee in Woolley is still good though. And thanks for the compliments…I feel so honored… *beams*

  3. chinnee says:

    wah…siao jie, u really enjoy life to the max man!

    The Giddy Tiger says: You only live once ma.

  4. keeyit says:

    Seems you have a great holidays at KL le..
    Although I stay at KL, I still not yet go to pavillion and The garden.. 😛

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, I know many of my KL friends have not too. We Penang people potong-trip…

  5. ParisB says:

    Wah! You were so accomplished this holiday and had loads of pictures to boot! 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, I can’t believe I filled up my entire compact flash with pics in just 2 days!

  6. domestic rat says:

    So many things accomplished over the long wkend!!!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, and I am proud of them!

  7. Gallivanter says:

    Wow, massive food stops… 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Must exercise soon, must exercise soon…

  8. rinnah says:

    Looks like a fun holiday! Wish I was there too!

    The Giddy Tiger says: But you were…in KL, right? *wink*

  9. ehon says:

    ughh.. traffic jam is an uttwe waste of time esp during holidays!

    i have info for sponsor a child d. i just needa find RM 600 to sponsor. 😛 lol! still searchnig for that RM600. 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: If you have RM50 to spare each month, then can jalan liao… 🙂

  10. Chen says:

    The Italian food looks yummy and i wanna take a bite on the cheesecake 😉

    Traffic jam and crowds everywhere..
    i hate crowds…
    made me feel suffocated 😀

    The Giddy Tiger says: Not if I get to the cheesecake first! hehe…

  11. Pinkelle says:

    Hehe…talk bout being productive during the break! We only ventured out as far as Pavilion! I thought it was quite funny though that you called Paris to ask for recommendations for dinner! Hehe…:)

    The Giddy Tiger says; Why funny leh? 😛 you guys run a food blog right? *wink*

  12. Paik Ling says:

    sounds like a very fruitful trip indeed! yes…JCo is perpetually packed. Funnily although my workplace is right next to Pavilliion I’ve only been there twice since they opened a month ago………

    The Giddy Tiger says: Well, sometimes we take things for granted if it is just right next door!

  13. Wen says:

    wah, u really made full use of the holiday hor..
    where is the lou wong nga choi kai located in ipoh?? when i go ipoh i dont know which is the best one.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Lou Wong is located near the old Super Kinta dept store. But I’ll need a map to explain it to you.

  14. jazzmint says:

    wahh looks like ur 3 days tour is very fruitful LOL…me oso havent go pav and the gardens

    The Giddy Tiger says; And we had loads of fun too!

  15. michelle says:

    Wow, did u spend all your bonus? Look like a lot of good food there.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Nola, of course not. Perhaps another shopping spree after the bonus?

  16. MamaTang says:

    wow! Think you had a wonderful holidays

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yes we did. Thanks for coming by.

  17. mistipurple says:

    so nice malaysia. so big the place. really so big and nice.. *sigh*
    i feel so free there. i feel suffocated in my dot.

    The Giddy Tiger says: You can be free in your mind too 🙂

  18. pelf says:

    WOW, I haven’t been to Woolley since God-knows-when!!

    BTW, wherever you go during Hari Raya, it’s best to expect some crowds and queues. When I substituted some Muslim staff @ Aquaria last year, we were practically sandwiched each time we fed the exhibits!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Oh, we missed you at the Aquaria by a year then!

  19. I feel like crying now…. why must my Raya holiday so disappointing? 🙁

    Anyway, glad that you guys really have fun! Yours is fantastic, giddy! 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Things will only get better soon. *Hugs*

  20. Pingback: Giddy Tigers » Buh bye 2007, hello 2008!

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