Cleaner.. shinier… leather


Today, my beloved leather sofas got a nice sprucing-up for the new year. I had been postponing this task for way too long and for the past couple of days, the task had been delayed yet again, because I couldn’t find the leather cleaning kit. It’s true!!!!!  Well, I finally found it this morning, stashed in one of the drawers under our bed and got down to cleaning the sofas. We have one 3-seater and one 2-seater, both of which are full-leathered ones. This means more time and effort will be needed to clean the sofas. Well, someone’s gotta do it…

First, I used the brush head of the vacuum cleaner and sucked up all the dust on the sofa. Of course, I had to move the sofas aside and vacuumed the floor under them. Then I used the leather soft cleaner, which was of a foamy consistency and cleaned the leather surface of the sofa in circular strokes using a sponge. I left it to dry for about 45 minutes and then applied the leather protection cream, also in circular strokes, using a clean dry cloth. I like to think of the leather protection cream as a form of moisturizer, much like the one we use on our faces. After the protective layer is applied, the sofas look shiny and so inviting to be sat on. But the instructions say to leave it to dry. So I am giving it a few hours before anyone is allowed to sit on it.

Unfortunately I totally forgot about it and sat on it momentarily before my hubby reminded me not to. 😛

You know, sometimes I wished we had gotten a non-leather sofa, where we would then be able to change the covers as and when we like, but it is moments like these, when I look at and admire how clean and shiny the leather sofa is, and the comfortable feeling I get when I lie or sit down on the leather, that I have absolutely no regrets we got these leather babies.

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14 Responses to Cleaner.. shinier… leather

  1. LB says:

    I have to admit I don’t have a thing for leather sofas.. I dunno why. I have no reason, yet I would always prefer non-leather.. But your flooring looks fab!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Well, one thing’s for sure…for non-leather sofas, you just need to throw the sofa covers into the washer to get it cleaned! Thanks for the compliments on my flooring though – I need to get it mopped soon too, haven’t done so for a few days already!

  2. ParisB says:

    I love your sofa (hey looks like mine! 😀 ) I love your floors (erm… wish I had that) and you reminded me I forgot to polish my sofa! :O Something to look forward to this weekend 😛

    The Giddy Tigress says: I know! That’s what I said when I saw a picture of yours some months ago, when you posted a picture of yours. Happy polishing!

  3. Sue says:

    I see you have lovely flooring..shiny too…hehe..I also like leather sofa…but I have fabric ones here and it’s a pain in the a** to take the cover off and put it back..can’t wait to change it to leather sofa..

    The Giddy Tigress says: I guess there are pros and cons on each type of sofa. Important thing is that you like it.

  4. wuching says:

    oo..leather summore, very sexy!

    The Giddy Tigress says: The sexier the better, huh?

  5. ablogaway says:

    Wow, nice job. I’ve delegated that job to hubby 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: And you have good reason to do so!

  6. Paik Ling says:

    mine’s suede which we thought was so retro when we got them (and before we had the baby who now smears his dirty fingers all over them!). now we have to get professional cleaners to come clean them!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Maybe Bryan thinks it’s retro to leave his mark there?

  7. I bought leather sofa when I had my first house but found it too troublesome to maintain, and it smells. Now I’m using the fabric type so I can change the covers to suit the theme of my house whenever I wish. hehe….

    The Giddy Tigress says: It smells???!!! Hmmmm….. so is your sofa red this year with small pictures of rats on it? hehehe

  8. michelle says:

    I am having problem with my fabric sofa, hard to clean and now looking for someone to sew a new cover. My children left alot of pen marks on it. Sigh.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hope you find that someone by the time New Year gets here.

  9. mistipurple says:

    i love your floor too, lol. and your sofa? of course! just don’t like the cleaning part.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks…it’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it.

  10. rinnah says:

    I like your leather sofa and timber flooring! Very classy combination. Heh.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thank you!

  11. Hijackqueen says:

    One think I don’t like leather sofa is the squeeking sound when you sit on it and also after all the polishing, the sofa gets so oily and slippery.

    I have to scroll up to take a look at your timber flooring. Wah, is that your living hall? I’ll have endless night worrying on termite attack!

    The Giddy Tigress says: After I polished my sofa, it didn’t feel slippery wor…maybe you used too much? My flooring is timber strip which has been treated in some way to prevent termites from infesting it. So I can sleep well at night 😛

  12. may says:

    oooh, does it mean I can slide from one end to another now? all smooth and clean? whee! *slide*

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, Ethan has been doing that! hehe

  13. ruby rhodes says:

    Please tell me what I can get for my leather furniture (cream). I have had it for 7 years but it is not in bad condition but I need to clean it. Every time I buy something to clean it with it always take some of the leather off, and it is the real deal.

    The Giddy Tigress says: I got my leather cleaner free from the shop I bought my sofa from, but I am looking for a new bottle now since the first one ran out. I believe Ikea carries them, and Harvey Norman too…well basically any furniture shop that sells leather stuff will carry them, I think.

  14. simon says:

    wah… must send this post to my wife… sofa looks elegant!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks! Let me know what she says.

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