So much to give thanks for

(Flashback…Two days before Thanksgiving)

Supermarket cashier to me: So, are you all prepared for Thanksgiving?
Me: Sorta.  Well, more unprepared than prepared, really.

And I wasn’t kidding.  While most of our friends who relocated here decided to go for a vacation elsewhere during the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend, my family and I opted to spend Thanksgiving, well…the traditional way…at home, with family…and FOOD.  This was my first Thanksgiving ever in the US and I had only come to realize what a big deal it was here.

So, if I wanna go traditional, it would have to be traditional ALL the way.  I decided to attempt roasting a turkey.  I bought the smallest turkey I could find (about 10 lbs), and it only cost me $5.99.  Actually the supermarket where I purchased it from had a turkey promotion where all turkeys weighing below 16lbs were priced at only $5.99.

And while I was at it, I got myself one of those turkey timers too.  These little babies will pop out as soon as the meat is done, and ensures that the meat is not too dry or (heaven forbid) undercooked.  I wanted to get one of ’em meat thermometers, but they were too pricey.

Then I started collecting tips about roasting a turkey from everywhere.  I reviewed recipes from the internet, asked co-workers and friends, and hubby even got me some tips from the TV.  Simple American even graciously said I could call his wife should I be in need of any turkey SOS!

Well, one of my co-workers told me to soak the thawed turkey in brine.  So a day before Thanksgiving, when I had already thawed the bird, I soaked it in a little salt water, and left it overnight.  Actually I believe the turkey I bought had already been basted in some flavoring of some sort, but hey, no harm enhancing the flavor even more, huh?

I woke up nice and early (thanks to Ethan) on Thanksgiving day, and was all eager to get the turkey roasting.  Lilian had given me some splendid tips on how to roast a turkey to perfection, and of course I trusted her because she has got proof that hers turned out really nice.  She said I need to stuff some butter between the skin and the meat of the turkey, and then I need to cover the turkey in bacon strips before roasting.  So, see…this is how I did it…

Looks about right, doesn’t it?  I also put some chopped carrots and potatoes in the baking dish while roasting.  This is to absorb the juices of the turkey, thus perfecting the gravy (this tip from Martha Stewart, according to hubby) 😛

And what did I do with the crisp bacon afterward?  Well, I ate some of it (was too salty anyway), and sprinkled a bit on the clam chowder we had.  The rest of the bacon?  Still sitting in the fridge…I’m still undecided what I want to do with it.

So anyway, after all the toiling in the kitchen, and about 4 hours of turkey roasting, this is what was served for dinner, as our main course:

Of course we had other dishes too, it being Thanksgiving and all.  Thanksgiving is like the western-styled Chinese New Year reunion dinner, where families gather and stuff themselves full of food.  So what I had on the table was western-styled food.

Roast turkey garnished with brussel sprouts, cherry tomatoes and parsley, served with the compulsory cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, multi-grain turkey stuffing, BLT caesar salad (lettuce, sun-dried tomatoes, cheese, croutons and dressing, and clam chowder.  For dessert, we had apple pie with whipped cream (lots of it).  YUM!

We sure had a lot to be thankful for!  Of course we could not finish the turkey in one sitting, not even till today.  in fact, I still have some of the turkey meat in the fridge, and I used it for making sandwiches.  My first Thanksgiving is gonna be one that I’ll never ever forget!

This entry was posted in Drooling & Cooking, Relax & Celebrate. Bookmark the permalink.

18 Responses to So much to give thanks for

  1. wen says:

    it looks gd! bet it tastes great too! can i hv the recipe?

    The Giddy Tigress says: Sure! It’s just a whole turkey (thawed) rubbed with olive oil and salt and then stuffed with butter. Easy-peasy! Roast in the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and rotate the turkey once or twice to ensure even browning. I actually took the recipe in bits and pieces from all over the place. Are you planning on roasting one for Christmas too?

  2. simon says:

    the bacon looks too good to waste! but the turkey must have been good…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, I think the bacon can be sprinkled on some salad or something.

  3. michelle says:

    Wow, it looks good. Can finish ah? Or are you having turkey for the whole week. :P~~

    The Giddy Tigress says: Cannot finish la…we are still having turkey sandwiches now 🙂

  4. jemima says:

    *salivates so much until can’t comment*

    The Giddy Tigress says: Aiyooo…

  5. jemima says:

    I LOVE your Christmas banner. 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: Gee thanks. I didn’t have time to work on a new one, so the one I used last year will have to do for now.

  6. mott says:

    wah! looks real good!!! very hardworking mummy!

    for the bacon…u can use it to fry hokkein mein. WAKAKAKAAKAK..i do that..for the fatty-ness…gives the mein a nice fragrance and taste!

    The Giddy Tigress says: That’s an excellent idea. *makes mental note to buy hokkien mee when I go grocery shopping next*

  7. ehon says:

    u could always make sandwich with the bacons and turkey. lol!

    i hadmy first sunday roast on sunday and it was so good! but its an english thing.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oooh Sunday Roasts! I have heard of that before, but never really had it.

  8. rinnah says:

    That’s one yummilicious looking turkey!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Would you care for a bite?

  9. Irene says:


    The Giddy Tigress offers Irene a hanky to wipe drool.

  10. Pink Cotton says:

    stuffing butter between the thats something ive not heard b4…

    your turkey looks great! i think i could learn a trick or two for christmas dinner 😉

    The Giddy Tigress says: Ah yes, be sure to post up some droolicious pictures too! The butter in between the skin is supposed to maintain the moisture of the turkey meat.

  11. Adino says:

    The bacon looks very good too! Yummy meal!

    The Giddy Tigress says: It really is! I tried it with fried noodles last night and they taste great!

  12. Bart says:

    Wow! Looks really delicious… too bad it’s so, so far away…

    The Giddy Tigress says: Maybe when I come back and try it again, you’ll get to smell it all the way from your apartment? 😛

  13. Paik Ling says:

    WELL DONE!! I am terribly impressed, I must say. Say, how did you managed to get all the cooking done? I usually get 20mins max to cook anything before my whiny kid comes along and hangs on to my leg.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh…cook a little, then attend to kid-hangin-on-leg, then cook a little bit more…and so on 😛 LOL

  14. jazzmint says:

    yum yum…and the turkey so cheap!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yaloh….my hubby couldn’t believe it either when I told him the price!

  15. KittyCat says:

    wow…no wonder the US is known as the land of plenty! Such a cheap turkey 🙂

    Well done wor! I bet even the turkey sandwiches taste good…

    Mmm… you can use the bacon to add substance to a veggie soup. Or as suggested above, fry it with some bland dish!

    The Giddy Tigress says: I’ve been using those bacon bits in my stir-fry vege and noodles, and boy do they taste yummy!

  16. NomadicMom says:

    Hi. Have to say your turkey looks really good!!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks!

  17. Pingback: Bent on Bento » What I did with Turkey Leftovers

  18. Pingback: Giddy Tigers » I Made Jamie Oliver’s Fantastic Roast Chicken

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