Baby back baby back ribs

Last Saturday morning, we had a poolside barbecue with hubby’s colleagues.  I tell you, I was already having second thoughts about being out in the freezing cold, but hey, only Malaysians are crazy enough to have barbecues in winter.  (Well, actually I take that back, because while we were there, we spotted an American couple – in swimsuits – having a swim and barbecuing after that too!)

Anyway, my hubby was tasked with preparing the barbecued ribs, and of course that task is lovingly delegated to his wifey.  I decided to use Pablo’s recipe for Fried Baby Back Ribs, and modify it for the purpose of barbecue.  I had tried his recipe a few weeks ago, and my hubby had given the thumbs up for the taste, so it was just a matter of whether it would work fine on the barbecue grill.


I gave the baby back ribs a real good marinade for about 18 hours, and because I had about 28 pieces to work with, I decided to move them around after a few hours so that they would all be equally marinaded, if there is indeed such a thing.

My first attempt at this recipe some weeks back actually left my kitchen and home smelling entirely of oil for a long time, although the ribs did taste good.  This is what they looked like:


They taste fantastic with hot steamed rice!

This time, with the barbecued ribs, I was somewhat glad that I didn’t have to get rid of the oily kitchen smell after, because all I had to do before bringing it to the barbecue was to microwave the ribs on medium heat for about 3 minutes.  This is just so the ribs are semi- to almost-cooked, at least on the inside, so that they won’t need to spend so much time on the grill later on.  This was indeed an excellent tip from Pablo.  I microwaved about 3-4 ribs at a time and brought them to the barbecue after that.

Here’s a shot of those babies getting that nice browning on the outside at the barbecue:


I’m glad my first attempt preparing baby back ribs for barbecuing turned out pretty darn well.  I guess no leftovers mean something eh? 🙂

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15 Responses to Baby back baby back ribs

  1. jemima says:

    I prefer BBQs in winter than in summer. 😉

    Everything on the BBQ looks ho-chiak. *drools* 😀

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hope you’ll have a chance to get your hochiak bbq soon!

  2. iamthewitch says:

    I love ribs! Well no leftovers could also mean not enough of them to go around! *LOL*

    The Giddy Tigress says: Not enough better than too much!! 🙂

  3. Irene says:

    alomak, im so hungry now *drooling* :p

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hehe…

  4. Paik Ling says:

    I’ve just decided to go on a diet………….before visiting this site!

    The Giddy Tigress says: No need la…mine is *virtual* food oni maa…

  5. soo sean says:

    Looks delicious! But I do not know where to buy baby back rib in penang.

    The Giddy Tigress says: I think you gotta go to the local butcher and indicate to him/her you want to have the ribs for barbecueing. It should be the most tender part of the ribs.

  6. sasha says:

    oooooo its been so so sooo long since i had some nice ones 😛

    The Giddy Tigress says: Now I am craving for some too!

  7. jazzmint says:

    wah vy sedap

    The Giddy Tigress says: Can taste just by looking ah?

  8. kyh says:

    wahhhh looks nice. so how did u get rid of the oily smell from ur kitchen before that?

    The Giddy Tigress says: What to do, mop mop mop the floor and open the windows lo.

  9. mistipurple says:

    hubby must be beaming proud of his wife’s culinary skills!

    merry christmas, giddy tigress, and to your hubby and kid(s) too! *wink*
    i wish you happiness in america and good health forever.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks misti, and the same goes to you too!

  10. Joanne says: back ribs!!! I lurveeee it soooo much!
    You seems enjoy life in US huh!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, very much!

  11. Hijackqueen says:

    Wah, Pablo dem femes now leh. Winter is best for BBQ. By standing next to the pit you don’t feel cold at all.

    The Giddy Tigress says: But it needs to be not too cold that you are shivering to bring the meat to the pit, right?

  12. pablopabla says:

    Wah! Glad to see that all the ribs vanished by the day’s end. I was wondering how it turned out and looks like alls well, eh?

    Well done! At least you’ve barbequed it and I have not 😀

    By the way, thanks for the lovely card! Christmas greetings from the Pabla Clan to all the tigers out there!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Thanks Pablo for the recipe and for the Christmas greetings!

  13. mott says:

    Heheh..there IS such a thing about moving those babies around in their marinade…giving equal chance to soak up ’em juices!

    hahahah… have a great xmas and fulfilling new year ahead!

    The Giddy Tigress says: So I WAS doing the right thing! That’s good to know!

  14. Hey neighbor!

    Merry Christmas to you all.

    🙂 Big ol Texas size hugs!!!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Hey! Same goes to you and your family too!

  15. Angeleyes says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Joyce~

    The Giddy Tigress says: Merry Christmas to you and your family too!

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