I’m not a very good blogger


I’m not a very good blogger because even though my family and I have been back in Malaysia for close to a month, I have not even published a single blog post about our return.

We got our broadband connection set up about a week ago, but I didn’t even blog about that.  And now I cannot blame my lack of blogging on the absence of internet.

I did not blog about how happy I was when I discovered my frozen EBM was just 80% thawed when we arrived at our hotel, and how I rushed to ask the hotel reception to quickly put it in the cold freezer.  I also did not blog about how the next day, when I went to collect the EBM, to my horror, they had put it in the CHILLER instead of the FREEZER and everything had completely thawed!

I did not blog about how we wolfed down all the yummy Malaysian food we had missed.  I did not blog about it because I didn’t even manage to snap pictures!

I did not blog about how my hubby and I, with 2 kids in tow, cleaned our apartment bit by bit, in order to make it livable.  Thank goodness we had the hotel to stay in for a while.

I did not blog about all the boxes of our shipment that arrived about 10 days after our arrival.  The many boxes certainly made our apartment that much smaller, and we aren’t even done unpacking.

I did not blog about how atrocious the traffic is.  I suffered withdrawal symptoms and had to force myself to drive when the need arose.  Needless to say, many a time I found myself flicking the wiper controls instead of the controls for the indicators.

I also did not blog about the EXTREMELY HOT weather.  Our electricity bill will definitely skyrocket this month (after several months of not having to pay).  I find myself having to turn the air-conditioning on most of the time.

My domain disk space breached the very critical 100% mark last weekend but I did not blog about it.  I found out it was due to some WordPress core dump files which had to be manually deleted.

I’m done with this post now, even though I still do not think of myself as a good blogger, but hey, at least I made the effort to tell y’all that I’m still here! 🙂

This entry was posted in Blogging, Close to Heart & Home, Parenting & Motherhood, Thoughts & Scribblings. Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to I’m not a very good blogger

  1. soo sean says:

    I am sure there is a lot of things to do after you touched down in Penang. And I think your reader would not mind waiting, so do not worry. Btw, welcome back to the hot weather! 😉

  2. PB says:

    You are good enough to let us know you are home safe and sound and thats good enough for me! I’m not a pretty good blogger myself these days 🙂

  3. rachel says:

    welcome back..
    take ur time..settle in first……

  4. Pink Cotton says:

    welcome back 🙂

    i saw your hubby with ethan in church on sun morning few weeks ago…didnt manage to see you tho


  5. beetrice says:

    hehe…better late than never! 🙂 happy settling back in Msia!

  6. michelle says:

    Wow, so much backlog. At least you can put all in one post. Great to have you back.

  7. Gallivanter says:

    Blog when you want to, it’s your prerogative. 🙂

  8. jemima says:

    There are more important things in life than blogging. 😉

    Have a Blessed Weekend. 🙂

  9. zewt says:

    wow… u did not blog about so many things… 😛

  10. Bart says:

    Welcome back! The thought did cross our minds whether or not you’re all back at the apartment :o) Malaysians are hardy people… you’ll all adapt back to the food, sticky weather, and thick-skin Penang driving in no time :o)

  11. rinnah says:

    Welcome back babe!

  12. wen says:

    i was thinking where u were last night. welcome home! missing those good weather in CA or not comparing to the heat here..?:)

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