Several people inquired how much the coconut jelly costs. Initially I told them RM3.70 per coconut, but honestly I am not too sure now.
Scenario 1
My hubby buys 5 coconuts and was charged RM18.40 in total. That comes up to RM3.68 per coconut.
Scenario 2
I get down from the car and buy 10 coconuts and was charged RM37.00. That’s RM3.70 per coconut.
Scenario 3
I buy 5 coconuts and was charged RM17.40. That amounts to RM3.48 per coconut.
So, you tell me how much it costs… buying 5 coconuts appears to be more cost effective compared to buying 10! Whatever happened to bulk discounts? 😛
Oh by the way, I forgot to mention one very important factor: in Scenario 2, I was dressed in a regular t-shirt and jeans, and in Scenario 3, I wore a V-neck tank top and knee-length pants.
Maybe they gave you a discount for buying so many!
Probably they give u RM 1 discount for 10.