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Oh boy, these fitness center consultants are really persistent now, aren’t they? It all started with this phone call. And after that, a couple more phone calls, and I remember the last one, I told the consultant to text me his number and I would call him if or when I am ready to come by for a discussion (after all, I still had my free 7-day trial at that gym to utilize……heh…)
So anyway, last week, another consultant from the same gym called me. This time this guy was from the HQ in KL, but anyway, this conversation ensued.
Consultant: Hi, I’m calling from this-famous-gym. I understand that you filled out an online form at our site?
Me: Yes I did, that was months ago.
Consultant: So are you still interested to join our gym?
Me: Well yeah, but not at the moment.
Consultant: Oh by the way, are you working?
Me: No, I’m not.
Consultant: You’re a student?
Me (thinking: wow, I sound like a student??!!): Nope, I’m a homemaker.
Consultant: Oh I see. Well, anyway I’m calling to let you know that we are giving you a special voucher for something-which-I-can’t-recall and you are welcome to come and collect it from our gym. May I know where you are staying?
Me: I’m staying in Penang.
Consultant: Oh, alright…so you can collect your voucher from this-mall-in-Penang, anytime today or tomorrow. We are open from 7:00a.m.-10:30p.m.
Me: By tomorrow? Oh, then I am afraid I can’t collect it, given such short notice.
Consultant: Why not? You’re a homemaker, right? So may I know what is holding you back from coming?
Me (getting irritated): What do you mean by that? For your information, I need to take care of my kids, a home to manage and other things too. At such a short notice, how can you expect me to drop everything? So no thank you, I can’t make it this time round. I will call your consultant when I want to go to your gym. I have his number.
Is it just me, or did anyone else find that offensive to stay-at-home-moms? That guy seemed to think that we stay-at-home-moms don’t do anything at home, eh? Well, if I had a maid (or maybe two) at my beck and call, then perhaps I could. But for most of us SAHMs, we do everything.
He’d assumed that since I do not have a 9-to-5 job, I would be free to come to his gym at any given time.
Well, on the contrary, if I want to go for a haircut or beauty appointment, I need to make prior arrangements especially for my kids to be cared for. It takes a lot of planning, even just to take both kids out for lunch, or to fit in some marketing and shopping into the schedule. It’s tough, but we somehow manage, ….somehow. 🙂
And all we ask is for some understanding.
I think it abominably rude. I’d boycott that gym/company. But then I don’t believe in paying for gym memberships. Been there done that, have an empty pocket and no muscles to show for it 😛
The Giddy Tigress says: But I did get a toned bod when I diligently gym-ed not too long ago, and I loved the feeling…although this experience with this consultant left a really bitter taste in my mouth. Would it be a case of a rotten apple spoiling the whole barrel?