Can You Say “Hot Pink”?


Yep. 🙂

A few days before the New Year, I decided to take some time off and make use of the Groupon I had purchased a while back for a manicure and pedicure.  Hubby would be in charge of the kids while I escaped for a 2-hour pampering session (including commute time).


I paid RM38 for the voucher and was excited to use it because it had been a long long time since I had a manicure (I think it was the French manicure I had on the eve of my wedding day). I’ve never had a pedicure before, so it would be my first.

Well, I didn’t have a good impression when I called to make an appointment, because the girl who took the phone could hardly speak English to begin with, and on top of that, she hung up before she even took down my name and number!  I had to call back to give the deets to her!

However, I had to go through with it anyway, because the Groupon had already been bought and the deadline was Jan 5th 2012.

Anyway, on the day of the appointment, someone from the salon called to remind me to, “Don’t be late ahhh..” SIGH.

Long story short, I arrived and had the *treatment* done.  I wanted to choose a baby pink color for the nails, but ended up choosing a slightly darker (and hotter) pink shade, in view of the faster drying time, according to the manicurist.  My toenails were a deep shade of maroon, with a slight shimmer to it.


I can’t say that I wasn’t happy with the colors, but I was a little uncomfortable because the manicurist and pedicurist (yes 2 of them!) were chatting with each other, seemingly oblivious that I was sitting there.  Is that how it is normally done, pray tell?

Anyhow, I did enjoy the paraffin wax treatment on the hands and the foot scrub, wish it could have been longer though; but what happened next made me almost totally forget all about the manipedi I just had.

After I left the salon and was driving home, I remembered that I had removed my wedding and engagement rings and placed them in my purse.  So I decided to pull over at the side of the road and put on my rings.  However, because I was trying my best not to scratch off my nail polish, I fumbled when I was holding the rings and my engagement ring dropped into a small hole near the handbrake’s base area.


I poked my finger in the whole but could not feel anything.  Then I pried open the small cover over the hole and put my entire recently-manicured hand into the crevice, trying to fish out the ring.  At that moment, it did not matter to me that the nail polish would be chipped off as a result of my fiddling in the hole.


So I drove to my car workshop about 5 minutes away and explained the situation.  The guys helped me to remove the entire base area near the handbrake and tried to locate the ring.  To me, the ring has all the sentiments that are way too precious, I just did not know what I would do if I did not see it again.

Thankfully, after some digging around, my ring was found!  Hurrah!  I put it on immediately, thanked the guys and drove back home, happy and relieved, but with a few dents in my nail polish….can you spot them?


Happy New Year 2012 everyone!  Here’s wishing all of you a fabulous, gorgeous and joyous year ahead! 🙂

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One Response to Can You Say “Hot Pink”?

  1. KittyMom says:

    Wow, this Groupon thingy is quite popular eh? I should try it when we’re back home.

    RM38 is quite a steal for a manicure and pedicure. In China, I paid about ~RMB100 for a mineral salt foot massage, mani and pedi.

    Loved the foot massage and how well they treated my cuticles but cringed at someone else (esp chatty young girls) clipping my nails!

    Like your pedi colour but I’d look like a pondan with that hot pink LOL Happy New Year 😀

    The Giddy Tigress says: We can even go together the next time you’re back…then the chatty young girls won’t be the only ones chatting! LOL

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