Re: Obedient Wives Club

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Dear Puan Siti Maznah Mohd Taufik,
I read with shocked interest, your views on the need to set up The Obedient Wives Club.  I could hardly believe my eyes when I read your implication that wives who do not so much as obey their spouses are to be held responsible for domestic abuse and for the reasons their husbands solicit the services of prostitutes.  I simply fail to understand the rationale behind this logic as I find it does not hold water at all.

While I do agree that wives should submit to their husbands, as it is written in The Bible in Ephesians 5:21-33, we must also understand that the submission referred to is a two-way path.  As much as the wife is expected to submit to the husband, the husband is expected to love the wife in return, with all of his life.  Here’s an excellent account of this Bible verse, if anyone is interested.

I certainly do not agree to your stand that wives are abused simply because they do not “listen to their husband”.  This belief is PRIMITIVE to say the least, and in this day and age when we are all striving for equality between sexes, what you are implying is for us to “bow down” to our husband’s wishes, no matter what.  Come on, some healthy debates in the household is certainly going to spice things up a little, no?

In addition, I fear that if a wife listens to her husbands and does as she is told all the time, your “plan” could backfire and the husband could be sent running out of the household screaming of boredom!

The essential thing to remember is MODERATION.  Husbands and wives should treat each other with respect and love.  Neither party should be doormats or “yes-persons” or SLAVES all the time, however, there should be compromise should a disagreement arises; i.e. a solution that satisfies both parties, and not just a VETO decision from a single party.

As for your Obedient Wives Club, I am curious as to how membership will be determined.  Will you be conducting spot checks on households to ensure that all your members abide by your rules and regulations?  Will you be providing “sexy clothes” to achieve your objective?  And if any member is found to DISOBEY her husband, will they be barred from their membership forever?


Giddy Tigress

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3 Responses to Re: Obedient Wives Club

  1. Pabs says:

    Hmm…maybe you should start supplying them the baby dolls for them to spice up their miserable lives 😛

    The Giddy Tigress says: Oh yeah…and reap a profit out of this miserable mess, eh? 🙂

  2. lee says:

    what happen if your husband is stupid ? do you still obey him if his request does not make sense ?

    And if he’s not interested in you even you are 1st class in bed
    ( don’t forget , you will grow old , and there are always lots of pretty young thing out there ) and he ask you to go jump in the lake , are you going to obey that too ?

    and of course your husband won’t divorce you because he just go and get himself THREE more wives !!!!! That’s all

    The Giddy Tigress says: Exactly! Well maybe someone ought to counter the OWC and start an OHC (Obedient Husbands Club) too! LOL

  3. Adino says:

    Was quite shocked when I read about this. I’m not sure if things were taken out of context or she was misquoted. Anyway it just reminds me of those obedience schools we send our puppies to haha. Definitely not something we want in this day and age.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yes, it is shameful to have this sort of thing happening these days. I don’t think she was misquoted. I have read a few different articles and they all say and imply the same thing.

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