Do Men and Women see different things?


I wore my new tunic dress yesterday.  It has a vintage floral design with bell sleeves, with a V-neckline and buttons down the front till the waist, and comes with an accompanying sash.  It was a little too short to be treated as a dress, so I wore a pair of stretchy black pants too.

I love the dress and I think it is gorgeous!

But both my hubby and son didn’t like it. 🙁

Hubby said it is very old-fashioned and Ethan just said, “Mommy, I don’t LIKE your dress.”

So is it just me, or are the boys right?

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12 Responses to Do Men and Women see different things?

  1. PB says:

    I love the dress and I love your pose! 😀 Do you think a wide belt might have made some difference? It would look amazing with your new Kristin 😀

    The Giddy Tigress says: hehe – thanks!!! 🙂 yeah, will try it with a wide belt another day….The dress is so versatile really! And yes, I agree it would match my new Kristin too 🙂

  2. Pink cotton says:

    Lol! I think guys don’t get loose/shapeless dress/blouse u kno? They will only be interested in tight fitting clothes -_-”

    The Giddy Tigress says: It’s not shapeless ma…it hugs the hips and the bodice too!

  3. simon says:

    acherly, if i stare long enuf at the dress, i think i can see a 3d images like those puzzle books 🙂 joking, nice dress

    The Giddy Tigress says: What do you see? 😛

  4. Gallivanter says:

    Agree with the hubby, I find it old-fashioned. 🙂

    The Giddy Tigress says: But…why??? Ask Mel’s opinion… 😛

  5. Susan says:

    I like it. Don’t find it ‘ol fashion.

    The tunic’s colors, are they pastels?
    Will color leggings make it too busy?

    The Giddy Tigress says: The dress is a floral design on black background, not pastel. I suppose maroon or navy blue leggings would look good too.

  6. KittyCat says:

    The print looks rather old-fashioned. “Vintage”, ma 😉 And pairing it with black tights look rather “auntie”. Hey, I’ve been there and I’ve been called one by the Hubs!!! At least yours is kinder…

    Nice cut though! Why don’t you try a pair of white biker shorts that just peeks below the dress? Match it with a pair of flat, white strappy sandals and you’ll have a bright, breezy and SEXY look!

    The Giddy Tigress says: I just might try it with some denim shorts 🙂 Thanks!

  7. Boon Seong says:

    well, fashion senses goes a big round in time. could it be your hubby is old fashioned? Anyway i did not find anything wrong with it. Looks like something like in Gilmore Girls sets.

    The Giddy Tigress says: I like how you think. 🙂 By the way, I wouldn’t have thought that you’d watch the Gilmore Girls!

  8. wen says:

    i only see a sexy poise!!! hehe

    The Giddy Tigress says: 🙂

  9. sasha Tan says:

    oh nice pose. hahhahah

    yeah men and women see things very differently. Mine also will said to me . err yr blouse like.. old woman blouse. spoil moood only

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, and sometimes men don’t think before they say things, no?

  10. mistyeiz says:

    definitely a boy thing coz i think it’s cool! 😉

  11. hanis says:

    hye..where u buy it.i also want it?

    The Giddy Tigress says: I got it from Shopaholics Unite!

  12. Linda Tan says:

    i chuckle upon reading this. hahaha…it happens to me too. Somehow, undeniable that man and woman see things differently

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, I guess it’s what makes the world a unique place then. LOL

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