A Schmoozer: That’s What I Am

It’s award time once again, and social climber Rinnah has very kindly awarded me with an honorable Blogging Community Involvement award that says simply that I’ve got the Power! … The Power of Schmooze, that is…. Well, fellow schmoozer Rinnah seems to think that I am too a schmoozer…that’s a P.C. way to say that I am a “cakap banyak” person, ain’t it? *grin* I ran off and I checked on the meaning of schmooze and it says to schmooze is to chat in a friendly and persuasive manner especially so as to gain favor.

Now, I don’t know how I would fit into the bill of being a schmoozer because all I do is to talk about what I observe and experience. And I say it as it is.

However, I do know that I am:

A Shoe Addict


Last week I finally used my RM100 Sunshine Square vouchers to get myself not one but TWO new pairs of shoes! I was practically grinning ear to ear after the purchase, and one could tell that it has been aeons since I splurged on shoes. They were both Carlo Rino shoes and I chose the ones with a not-too-high heel so it would allow me the freedom to run after Ethan, if need be. To be fashionably accurate, they were strappy mules, and I love them to bits.

A Foodie Photographer

I finally FINALLY managed to take a good picture of the Old Town Nasi Lemak I so love. Been wanting to take a good picture of it, but everytime I try, it either turned out too dark or too bright. So this one’s just nice and yummy looking too.

A Giddy Tiger

Yesterday evening, while I enjoyed my beef koay teow dinner with hubby, I received a call from an unknown number.

Me: Hello..?
Unknown man’s voice: Hello… is that Giddy Tiger?
Me (confused but played along): Yes it is.
Unknown man’s voice: Hello Giddy Tiger, how are you doing today?
Me: Fine thank you. And may I know who I am speaking to?
Unknown man’s voice: This is LB.

Muahahahaha… That was a pleasant surprise! Getting a call from the Emperor himself! What a royal honor! Well, we chatted for a bit and hoped to meet up if I happened to be in the Klang Valley before he leaves.

The Depressed Perfectionist

After our Singapore trip, I have been trying my best to update Ethan’s blog with as detailed posts as possible, providing a day-to-day account of what we went through, rigorously sprucing up the site with pictures I handpicked and photoshopped. However, I am depressed and disheartened that only a handful read it, judging by the comments πŸ™ I’m only into Day 2 of our adventure, I’m tired and weary and I need the inspirational *comments* to go on… so I am going on an unabashed plea to request for some comments, pretty please???? With sugar on top? πŸ˜€

Ah well, it may turn out to be just for my own reading pleasure….


Ooops, sorry, didn’t mean to be schmoozing there. But hey, it does seem as though I do deserve this Schmoozer award after all eh? But wait, there’s more… I need to grant this award to five other bloggers, so go on guys, SCHMOOZE away!

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11 Responses to A Schmoozer: That’s What I Am

  1. rinnah says:

    You schmooze, I schmooze, we all SCHMOOZE! Wheeee!

    New shoes! I love shoes… And strappy mules are my favorite style too… what more do we have in common, I wonder?

    Hahaha… I received a call from the Emperor yesterday evening too! Who did he call first, I wonder? So… *conspiratorily* tell me, what did you think of the Emperor? Was it like what you thought it would be like? LOL!

    Eh, I’ve been commenting faithfully on Ethan’s blog mah…. nevermind… I give you more with added sugar on top! *anxiously waiting for the next chapter of Singapore adventures*

    The Giddy Tiger says: The similarities are freaky aren’t they? Kekeke….we’ll just have to discover some more when we meet.
    As for the call from the Emperor, I shall divulge that information to you in private … πŸ˜›
    Yes, I know you are my loyal commentor…but thanks in advance for the added sugar πŸ™‚ I think I am all geared up to start on Chapter 3 now… πŸ™‚

  2. Pingback: Women Only! » Blog Archive » Sorry, but I am not into fake awards right now

  3. these days really busy. No time to go blog surfing. Luckily I’m on time to get my award here. Thanks, Giddy! *Muaks*

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, same here. Busy busy….

  4. Thank you for thinking of me and awarding me so. πŸ™‚

    Woo Hoo!

    The Giddy Tiger says: My pleasure. You really deserve it.

  5. Lovelymummy says:

    hi there, a tag for u at http://www.mylovelymummy.com/2007/07/31/tag-creatures-mummy-hates-most/

    The Giddy Tiger says: Thanks for the tag. I’ll look into it as soon as possible.

  6. LB says:

    What pretty shoes! They look great! As does that nasi lemak, but since I just had my lunch, I can’t force my drool out at all! It was great chatting with you! LOL… Must do that again soon!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, was great to finally talk to you too.

  7. Kitkat says:

    The nasi lemak pic is still a little blur. Anyway looks yummy!

    The Giddy Tiger says: The background is meant to be blur πŸ˜› And yes, it was yummy! πŸ™‚

  8. domestic rat says:

    Hi there!!! You are in Penang too? Always love to know more Penang folks so I can know more about the place. BTW, Old Town is opening along Gurney Drive soon, beside Mr. Pot.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Cool! Though I don’t know where Mr Pot is. πŸ˜›

  9. What a schmoozer you are! hahaha…. Congrats.

    The Giddy Tiger says: I learn from the best ma πŸ™‚

  10. zara's mama says:

    I find that I can’t catch up reading blogs even if that person own 1 blog only.. But nowadays, most bloggers have more than 1 site!

    That’s why I can only read this blog hor… don’t mind hor?

    The Giddy Tiger says: It’s okay, as long as I know you are reading mine πŸ™‚

  11. domestic rat says:

    Mr. Pot is just beside Millennium. πŸ™‚

    The Giddy Tiger says: Hmmm…not sure if I know where that is either. Is that a new condo?

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