Ethan On All Fours!

Not only have I made new friends just by being a blogger, my boy Ethan has also made some new buddies too. Recently Rinnah jiejie wanted to know more about him, so she’s done what any blogger would do: tag Ethan! I just did a *seven* tag for Ethan and now while Ethan relaxes in front of the TV watching Baby Einstein, I will do a *four* tag on his behalf (isn’t it a coincidence that Ethan’s Daddy’s favorite numbers are 4 and 7? Hmmmmm……)


Four jobs I have had in my life:

  1. “Babble-er”
  2. “Cruise-er”
  3. “Crawl-er”
  4. “Walk-er”

Four places I have lived:

  1. In Mommy’s womb
  2. In the hospital where I was born
  3. In Penang
  4. In the hearts of my loved ones

Four places I have been on vacation:

  1. Ipoh (Mommy’s hometown)
  2. Taiping (Daddy’s hometown)
  3. Kay-el (Shopping haven)
  4. Anywhere with Mommy and Daddy

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Siew-Mai
  2. Rice (nasi lemak, banana leaf rice, fried rice, chicken rice etc)
  3. Ipoh Chicken Koay Teow (kai-see hor-fun)
  4. Wan ton mee

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. Riding on the escalator in Queensbay Mall
  2. Riding on the escalator in Gurney Plaza
  3. Riding on ANY escalator
  4. Sleeping on Mommy and Daddy’s bed

Four friends to tag:

  1. Hin Lerk
  2. Jayden
  3. Bryan
  4. Evan
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11 Responses to Ethan On All Fours!

  1. Adino says:

    Wow, Ethan is so clever eating nasi lemak and banana leaf rice. Very hard to find children who can take hot food nowadays 🙂

    The Giddy Tiger says: Ethan will take anything… except durian so far.. 😛

  2. rinnah says:

    What happened to run-ner? *grin* Eat rice is good… eat more will grow quickly! Hehehe.

    Thank you to Ethan’s mommy for being such a good sport and doing the meme!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Not enough points to fill up… hehehe….

  3. wuching says:

    ethan so cleber, can write meme ledi!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Start ’em young, that’s what I always say!

  4. Ethan’s 4444. So lovely!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Glad you enjoyed reading about him!

  5. may says:

    Ethan! you gorgeous babe! I’d love to go on escalator rides with you… upppp… downnnnnn… upppppppp… downnnnnn… so fun, hor? whee!

    The Giddy Tiger says: I bet they have tons of those in Sydney, yes?

  6. Pingback: Giddy Tigers » Me on All Fours!

  7. Now that is too cute. haha

    The Giddy Tiger says: 🙂

  8. Pinkelle says:

    That picture of Ethan is uber-cute! He’s already a heart-breaker in blogsphere!

    The Giddy Tiger says: Thanks! 😀

  9. anggie says:

    4 for the kids … fun…

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah… 🙂 Next time I tag you ok?

  10. Chen says:

    Huh? Riding on escalator is Ethan’s favourite activity? 😉

    The Giddy Tiger says: You bet!

  11. zara's mama says:

    Ethan boy so cute! And he looks like he’s shaking his legs some more while watching TV.

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, just plain relaxing!

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