Onoff Facebook relationship

I thought it was a fad, a passing phase. But Facebook has certainly proven that it is a force to be reckoned with. I signed on to Facebook a few months back, innocently thinking that it would just be another one of those friendship tools which would eventually disappear with time. But Facebook is here to stay I tell you. In fact, it has taken over the lives of so many unsuspecting people, they are still wondering what hit them.

I didn’t do anything in my Facebook for a few weeks after signing up, then the addiction caught on after I read about all the awesome stuff bloggers everywhere were doing in Facebook. Pokes and hugs and tickles and virtual gifts were just the beginning of a relationship that promised so much more. First I was hooked onto Pirates. Somehow the prospect of bombing someone else’s ship and scurrying away with gold coins was too good to resist. That craze didn’t last long though. There were just too many other things on Facebook that tickled my fancy.

Rinnah initiated a few Scrabulous games with me, and I in turn started a couple with SA and ECL. It was as if I was transported back to my childhood Scrabble-playing days, though I discovered that in Scrabulous, you will get 7 letter tiles only if you are leading the game. I’ve been inactive for quite some time now, rendering these Scrabulous games inactive too. I’m however beginning to slowly get on track and my target is to complete these games really soon… although I still cannot understand why my inactive game with ECL made her a winner instead!!! Hmmm…..

The Rock Paper & Scissors (RPS) craze then caught on. There was just something addictive and oh-so-familiar about this game that made it hard to resist or turn down a challenge. Or challenge back….!!! I was aghast that there were some people who were already deemed as an RPS overlord or Grand Supreme Master. Victory over the Grand Supreme Mistress has eluded me for such a long time though. Not until recently have I managed to win a challenge over her. However, RPS has since also taken a backseat to make way for fighting with Vampires, Werewolves and Zombies. All the while safeguarding my undies from being stolen…but wait, I just realized that my Moolah has been decreasing because I have been neglecting it. SIGH… now you know how addicted I can become?

Lately, Facebook has also reconnected me to my school friends from Ipoh. Someone’s someone’s someone’s friend had my name in their Friends list and that’s how one by one they found me. I never cease to be amazed at how technology brings us all together, although virtually. And although I may be attacked by rabid werewolves, had hot potatoes and wet balloons and even soiled diapers thrown at me, I still keep coming back to Facebook. Why? Because I find it liberating and unique…okay, okay, I confess I am a Facebook addict. Hey, did I tell you my IQ score yet? πŸ˜›

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14 Responses to Onoff Facebook relationship

  1. may says:

    I’ve taken a slight backseat on FB, but omg, I’m still getting all the invites and pokes! LOL! I think you’ll beat me in RPS in no time, if you’re persistent… *wink*

    *steals underwear*

    The Giddy Tigress says: I think I just did today. hehe… *runs away with May’s sexy thong*

  2. keeyit says:

    I got a lot of friends add me to the facebook and send a lot of messages from facebook.. BUT i still do not have time to go through it.. really so exciting ?

    The Giddy Tigress says: Trust me… you will be hooked. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

  3. Paik Ling says:

    I joined FC just one month ago and am a self-confessed addict! Look me up under “huang paik ling”

    The Giddy Tigress says: I will! πŸ˜€

  4. LB says:

    Will you challenge me to Scrabulous too?!! I promise not to rush you, ever either!

    The Giddy Tigress says: Promise to never nudge me? hehehe..

  5. Chen says:

    FB is fabulous. I manage to find few long lost friends and ex colleagues using FB.

    The Giddy Tigress says: I agree. Totally! And we find out so much more about the people we *thought* we know huh?

  6. michelle says:

    I haven’t got to that level of addiction yet. But I did find some ex-schoolmates there.

    The Giddy Tiger says: I found ex-schoolmates and today I added an ex-school teacher! :O

  7. huisia says:

    I have not joined…must join now πŸ™‚

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yeah, and then we can go facebooking together…

  8. Pink Cotton says:

    omg…ive signed in few mths ago but i still cant quite get whats it all about πŸ™

    must get myself informed n updated soon! πŸ˜›

    The Giddy Tiger says: You will not regret it…

  9. LB says:

    Promise!!! *fingers crossed*

    The Giddy Tigress says: Okay, will invite you one of these days… πŸ™‚

  10. rinnah says:

    @ LB: Hahaha. NOT! *looks at the crossed fingers* Come, one more round of Scrabulous? Since you won the first game.

    Hahaha, ECL won your inactive game because you have the option to ‘force win’ if your opponent hasn’t made a move in one week.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Really? So I can force win your game with me too? kekeke….

  11. hahaha…. my win made you cannot eat and sleep for weeks ah! even to blog about it! I force win you lah! Another game?

    The Giddy Tiger says: Yes! Yes! Let’s do it!

  12. Hijackqueen says:

    I can only blamed my addiction on Bernard. He is the one started Scrabulous with me. And now I’m hooked! Your turn now on Scrabulous, Missy.

    The Giddy Tigress says: Yeah, it’s really addictive….

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